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MAC/65 Newbie Question


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Hi - I am very rusty on MAC/65. I manually keyed-in the first example ASM program in the good old book ‘Atari Roots’.  I know the spacing is critical.  I have two spaces between line numbers and the start of anything else. with the exception of only one space before and after the label ‘ADDNRS’.


After successful ‘ASM’ assembly I expect my little program to be automatically stored at memory location 0600 hex because of the ‘.OPT OBJ’ directive on line 05

However when I go into the DDT debugger and display memory at 0600 hex I do not find my code. 

So it seems my .OPT OBJ directive is being ignored?!  Ideas?  TIA


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27 minutes ago, MrFish said:

See sections 8.1 and 8.2 of the Mac/65 manual.


That was it!  Thank you!!  I sure don’t remember the need to do that back in the day.  I am running a physical MAC/65 cartridge but doing so with my U1MB 800XL. Back in the day I was using a stock 800. 

I followed the procedure described in the MAC/65 manual section 8.2 “Assembling with an offset .SET 6”  after instructing the debugger to move memory from $3600 to $600 I finally see my tiny bit of code!!


After the DDT command to MOVE bytes from $3600 to $0600  the *600 command shows my tiny program in memory at $0600


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