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Anyone know what happened with Sean Kelly's MULTICARTS?


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I don' think he was saying anything about what you wrote being untrue. I do think he was simply commenting on the general 'let him who is without sin cast the first stone' sort of logic. Which is all there is legally. Sure, many of the reproductions techincally may have legal issues.


But how much credence do you put in someone telling you to respect their IP if they themselves are violating other IPs?

(^ This statement applies directly to the TJ/RH bullshite also.)


I personally think its a load of stuk up tripe. Everyone is an evil pir8 somewhere, so just come to terms with it, and help to preserve this stuff and enjoy it, and stop bitching. The fact is that Rom exposure is not going to affect sales to the mass market, as jeb and molly dont even know what a rom is. And those who really respect the hobby will buy it anyway. Just the way it's always been.

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