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HELP, problem with ERROR 138 on Atari 1050


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Hello friends, I wanted to take advantage of your experience with our 8bit computers, I have an 800xl and everything works fine, I even did an SDrive Max and it works perfectly. The problem starts when I repair an Atari 1050 (disk drive) and when I connect it as Drive 2 (D2:) and the SDrive Max is Drive 1 (D1:), I load DOS 2.5 from the SDrive Max, and when I try to Format, see Directory or any action with 1050, it sends me error 138. The Drive does the normal actions when it is turned on, it moves the head and locates it, I have changed all the capacitors such as the regulators, I have done maintenance on the mechanical part, elastic band and motors ok. But every time I try something it gives me error 138. Even if I turn on the 800xl with the 1050 as the start, since I don't have any disk with software it sends me the error "boot error". I don't know what to do with this error, please help me. Greetings from Lima, Peru. Thanks!


(In Spanish)

Hola amigos, queria aprovechar su experiencia con nuestras computadoras de 8bits, tengo una 800xl y todo funciona bien, incluso hice un SDrive Max y funciona perfectamente.
El problema inicia cuando reparo una Atari 1050 (disk drive) y cuando la conecto como Drive 2 (D2:) y el SDrive Max es Drive 1 (D1:), cargo el DOS 2.5 desde el SDrive Max, y cuando intento, Formatear, ver Directorio o cualquier accion con el 1050, me envia error 138.
El Drive hace las acciones normales al encenderlo, mueve el cabezal y lo ubica, he cambiado todos los condensadores como el reguladores, he hecho mantenimiento de la parte mecanica, banda elastica y motores ok.
Pero cada vez que intento algo me envia error 138.
Incluso si enciendo la 800xl con el 1050 como inicio, como no tengo ningun disco con software me envia error "boot error".
No se que hacer con este error, por favor su ayuda.
Saludos desde Lima, Peru.

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Yes, SDrive options D2, D3 and D4 are empty. I put the DOS2.5 program in the SDrive in the option D1:; I have the 1050 configured as D2: And at the moment of formatting I choose the D2, and the 1050 begins to format, worse when it is in the middle of the physical process, the message of "error 138" appears, the 1050 continues but does not format, because when I put the diskette "boot" appears error"


In Spanish...

Si, las opciones D2, D3 y D4 del SDrive están vacías.
Yo pongo el programa DOS2.5 en el SDrive en la opcion D1:; el 1050 lo tengo configurado como D2: 
Y al momento de formatear escojo el D2, y el 1050 empieza a formatear, peor cuando esta a la mitad del proceso fisico, aparece el mensaje de "error 138", el 1050 continua pero no formatea, pues cuando pongo el disquete aparece "boot error"

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please don't make such big letters, makes a mess on phones and tablets, just text normal please thanks.


and you can check out Mr. Robots pages on the S-Drive max as well.


Edited by _The Doctor__
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Dear @_The Doctor__ and @TGB1718, thank you very much for the info, now I know that I must modify my trusty SDrive Max as recommended, I am going to order the components to get to work, thank you very much again!


In Spanish...

Estimados _The Doctor__ y TGB1718, muchas gracias por la info, ahora ya se que debo modificar mi fiel SDrive Max conforme lo recomiendan, voy a pedir los componentes para poner manos a la obra, nuevamente muchas gracias!

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