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Anyone See EGM's New Article Bashing classic games?


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I don't know if this is the right place to write this, but I have to say that for YEARS I have hated EGM. Let me say that their staff are a bunch of no nothing no it alls, who CONSTANTLY go back on what they say a month ago and CONSTANTLY show to anyone with the slightiest knowledge of games that they are nothing more then a bunch of uncoth, skater wannabee, 30 year old wish they were 14 year old geeks. OK long sentance, sue me. This is the first time I picked up the magazine since January. (And believe me if I hadn't been waiting an hour for a friend and had been not bored out of my mind, I wouldn't have.) This time they have taken some no-nothing kids and asked them, not to give real opions of games, but to insult every classic from Pac-Man to Donkey Kong, to Q*bert. Why? As a friend of mine pointed it, it looked to him like a sad attempt to make a crappy magazine look cool. Mayself I think they just want to devide the game generation gap, if there really is one. (Namco Museum anyone?)


I won't go into details, but if you haven't read the article, don't. And just to let you know, I have MANY kids in my family and yes they all play everything from Atari to Gamecube and enjoy and respect the different game experience each console has to offer. I hope someone hires a sniper to take out EGM! Sorry, I've been traveling for most of the day and I'm not in the best mood! I am curious to know what the classic community thinks about this.



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EGM is probably the worst gaming magazine ever. I hate it, and always have. They try SOOOO hard to be funny and witty, that they miss the whole point entirely. I don't want pages devoted to their little in-mag characters, I WANT INFORMATION. Nothing else! Any magazine that gave Final Fantasy 2 a mediocre rating (and they let the damn SPORTS guy write a capsule review for it!) just plain sucks.

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Hey Greg that takes me back. One of my favorite stories is when the two Aladdin games came out and the horried Genesis version got all the attention over Capcoms masterpiece on the Super Nintendo. Ugh those over animated homemade Disney games all stank, but it got huge reviews because of it's somewhat new character sprite design. Yet the game reeked in every other aspect, story, control, sound, (Midis? Come on!) bosses, etc.


I remember once in GameFan they came right out and told the public, that 'yes if we don't give game A from Square, or Sega the highest rating ever, they wouldn't send us anymore games, etc.' They once did two reviews for Sonic 3D blast for Saturn because of this. They back tracked and said, that they were two harsh on it. The magazine didn't last for two many years after that. Anyway ever since I was like 14 I haven't trusted the video game media. I just make up my own mind anyway. I mean that's like going to Gamefaqs to read a review, or get info.....oy are they ever cluseless and ignorant. I honestly think they get the Stupiest people to write up stuff. (Not everyone of course.) But I read a review for Atari 2600 Pac-Man that said that they thought it was very close to the arcade due to the different coloured ghosts and various fruits! WHAT? That site will post anything I guess. Just putting wood on the fire that site is....but that's way beyond the point.

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egm is good as an occasional source of cheap posters, and maybe some pictutres of games coming soon. Just -WHATEVER- you do, don't READ it.


I actually really liked game fan, they seemed to have a love of the game.

Ultra Game Players back in the day also was quite enjoyable. Bill Donohue from that mag was a trip, he's in PSM now, but he's toned down from those great UGP days.

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Oh I used to really like Gamefan too, though no magazine is perfect! I guess I should have noted that I liked the way they stuck up to the big corprotations by coming out and telling the world how they get manipulated. I've personally wondered if this was part of their downfall, though I doubt it.

I remember Ultra Gamer too. I think I have a couple copies of that magazine somewhere. My best friend had every gamefan and almost every EGM from the 90's. He gave me his EGM's back in 98. His mom went and took and donated his Gamefans to the library back in 1999! (He was away at university at the time.) Man was he cheesed at her.


I got suckered into a subscription with EGM in late 2001. They have nice posters you're right! I wish someone had told me not to read it.

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I loved Gamefan, to me they really were the only true game enthusiast magazine. The editor still played his Jag and they even wrote objective reviews about the newer Jag games like Zero 5. They even went to lengths to cover the forgotten NUON console. You could usually find one of their staffers mentioning Atari in a positive tone somewhere in the mag. It really saddened me when they had to close down :sad: Hopefully in the near future we'll get another mag just like Gamefan, but I won't keep my hopes up.

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Has anyone who commented in this thread read the article?? ....One of many that EGM has been running almost monthly now?


Didn't think so.


I notice Duckman doesn't mention these other articles.


The article is nothing more than a group of teenager (13-14) put in a room playing classic gaming systems and then EGM asking their opinion about them. EGM doesn't make the first comment about these classic's ( Altho they have in the past few months articles that DuckMan chose to not bring up because it doesn't support his bashing)...Not that this article does. It's interesting to some to see what the current gamers of today think of the classic games we grew up with when we were their age. That's what makes a good article...It's interesting.


I love it when people bring up the old Doom story, when was that??? 8 years ago??? :lolblue: How many of the staff from back then are even still with the magazine now? Also I don't see anyone offering a link to the FF2 ratings. But they recently gave the re-release a damn good rating 9.0 8.0 8.0 (Aug 2001) thats on a game that's like 12 years old. Man, look up ignorant on an online dictionary and see if there aint a link to the start of this thread.

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I wouldn't talk about ignorance if I were you. And if you want me to name some articles, how about we start with their top 100 of all time they named in the fall of 2001? They came right out and stated classic games don't hold a candle to anything produced from the Nintendo era on. Hmm? Remember that little article do you? No, you just want to come out here and praise a foolish magazine. Good for you.


Now you have pointed out that the article may be entended to the bash kids. I only read the opening and a few choice games reviewed, before throwing the piece of trash back on the shelf. However by reading the parts of the article I did read and knowing the magazines history as far as classics go, they hate them, nuff said, I fail to see how a small blurb in their defence anywhere can act as forgivness for printing such trash. I have to say that a respectable publication wouldn't even bother with this sort of thing. Getting kids who don't know video game roots and therefore are not really into game characters, etc and are making stupid brain dead comments, is not the way to get a true reaction to the past. These kids are like the reviewers in the mag, idiots.

It reminds me of the story of the 10 year old kid who goes to Sam the Record Man and ask what a record is. I'm sorry, but even in todays day and age a kid at 10 who doesn't know what a record is, is REALLY ignorant of the world around them. So would you want this kids opion on anything?


I can sit here for HOURS and type about their ignorance. I've got over a year of that craptastic magazine from 2001-2002. If you want me to, I'll find a ton of more crap.

Dictionaries don't have links, pretty lame joke.

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It's modified from the original crush crumble and chomp. I addedd flame and put in both of his 'movement' cycles. It was the closest thing I could find to a classic pre-crash era godzilla graphic that looked good (2600 rampage sprite looks like arse.) My avatar is from the c64 vers. iirc.

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Duckman, what is your native language? Because if it's English, you don't appear qualified to be casting yourself as the intelligent party in this discussion. Or are you just playing the part of your username?


EGM does suck though. A shame, since the original EGM was one of the first gaming mags ever, and a damn good one.

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Well that was just rude. What do you do, cruise the net with you pants down, then jerk off while you insult someone for no reason? What are you some child moletsing nipple pierced drag queen, voodoo stick waving, dead chicken humping, prince hair style wannabee 1980's retro throw back freak?

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Actaully the original EGM was just ok. It could suck when it wanted to two, of course it's all Aces compared to the trash they dish out now.

A freak with a picture of guy wiht lightbulbs in his head has the nuts to insult others. God, what are you a part time Piñata?

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I only read the opening and a few choice games reviewed


Ok so either you started a thread about an article you didn't read,


or you


You did read it but didn't grasp that it wasn't EGMs POV but rather a bunch of 13 year olds who's pictures were plastered all over the articles pages.


Either way....Lame


How is the magazine different now than it was then?? They still give multiple peoples reviews of a single game, preview games, gossip, international... Bonus is they have been running great classic video game articles almost monthy now, including an interview with the guy who created Pac-Man , Mortal Kombats home release on all the systems, Castle Wolfenstein and I believe an interview with David Crane...Among others.


If anything it seems just as good now as the issues I got back in 94. But whatever, they've been around forever and I doubt some guy who claims to hate em but subscribed and still picks up and thumbs through issues will put them out of business. The fact that almost every post Duckmans made to the forum is bashing EGM makes me think the editors gave him wedgies back in grade school.

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I only read the opening and a few choice games reviewed

The fact that almost every post Duckmans made to the forum is bashing EGM makes me think the editors gave him wedgies back in grade school.


now thats a funny visual, especially if sushi-x is giving him a wedgie.





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These are for Duckman. I hope it's enough to last him through the winter:


to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to


too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too too

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