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Anyone See EGM's New Article Bashing classic games?


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Hey Godzilla I'm way to young to have been at school with those old men. Not very nice of you by the way....


Ok I figured it out, Duckman is one of those 13 year olds from the article...They cut his comments out because...Quite frankly no-one could stand him or his opinion, so now he's out for revenge....Am I close?

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Who the hell would say EGM was good back then? Not me. I was given a ton of them and they are as paid off and biased as they are now. OK they're worse now casue they're rude and lame.

You haven't read what people wrote here have you? I'm not going to argue with someone who doesn't do research and just comes up and bashes. Maybe you should dig up the reviews for the Gamecube games when they came out. The people reviewing Wave Race came right out AND STATED they didn't want to play the game. SO why were reviewing the GAME? I mean that's just one example. Cripes.

Yeah they do some reviews on classic stuff, give them a freaken medal. They kill a million inocents, then help an old lady across the street, yeah that's forgivable isn't it. But seriously, I wonder if they do that because there is some inner conflict within the mag, or if they do it for an easy fill.


Ever see the article of Nintendo Power where one of the reviewers calls Namco Museum a forgetable collection from the Dinosaur age of gaming? Oh, that's mature. :roll:

Is it any wonder why I hang on to sanity by a thread?

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Hey hey Deli Invader dude, fear my three different types of subs! OOOH I love the way Deli sounds just like space, I have such a great grasp of puns. Hee hee.


Oh I like your comment about the 8 years ago thing. Yeah like they changed view points and bad habbits, just because they changed the staff. So what you're saying is just because they had different people, possibly, that they are now a different magazine, inspite of the evidence in front of you?

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Girls just wanna have lunch? Wow long before my time. I remember I'm fat. That was funny. That was that Wierd Al guy Right? Hmm most of the girls I know watch what they eat! Of course most of the girls I know are only about 120 lbs, if that.

'Cept for this Jamacan girl I know. Man can she pack the food away. And my cousin, who's 17. Let me tell you, just pray you are never around her if there's a food shortage.......


So Godzilla, you still mad at me for something?

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Well you insulted me and said I was two young to have an opion. Now your telling me I can't read. Isn't that just wonderfull. I know you're joking, but I don't think it's called for when people are seriously discussing something. Sorry I don't want you to be all upset. I'm assuming you're a nice guy.

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A little 'reading tip' for reading, probably a lot of, the comments in this thread.

<TIP> It's not even remotely serious.</TIP>



I Mean, we're talking about EGM and Atomic Wedgies, here, ya know? Hardly anything to get all misty eyed over.


Zylon: Apropo (sp?) I can't even keep up with 'em anymore. :)

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I've only liked one issue of EGM, their 150th issue with the best 100 games, and even then, I didn't agree with a lot of the picks or places. And E.T. is bad, but certainly not the worst game ever. Oh well.


Game Informer is the better mag, IMO. Much more informative, and often genuinely funny, without being obnoxious.

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You know just a comment about message boards. For a year I went to another web site and defended my childhood memories of games along with others. Few would cry out intelligent comments in the face of ignorance. People, myself included, would do research, quote articles, games, ect, only to get a reply like 'You're a doody head.' by some mamby pamby baby nerd seeking some sort of retribution from the way life treated them that day. And fools that we were, we would go on fighting. Not me. I gave up, no point in teaching colour to the blind.

Then one day I came here. I stayed away from the message boards because that's the land of the nerds the net over. But for a moment, I thought this is a respectable web site, with older mature game players. Hell these people even show their age and pictures. (Some shouldn't.) And what do I find all over the place here? Comments like 'You're a doody head.' No research, no actual smarts, just dumb lame nerd jokes and hate speeches. Real mature for your ages. That's all I can say. And yeah I got into it today, joking for the most part. But by reading some of the boards here, I've learnt that some of you lead sad lonley lives, just as bad as the kids that have an excuse not to have any knowledge.

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Hopefully I can get in my two cents before this thread gets locked...


Anyway, put me down as another person who doesn't like EGM, although I'll admit I haven't looked at an issue of theirs in ages.


I know that while I WAS checking them out frequently--along with other mags, like NEXT Generation, GamePro and all--their reviews were all "monkey see, monkey do", as they'd have three supposed "different" opinions on games, yet they all said the same thing!


Take when Williams' Greatest Arcade Hits came out for the Genesis, which they all rated it pretty high, but every SINGLE reviewer said that today's gamers that didn't grow up with those treasures (Defender, Stargate, Joust, etc.) might not think much of the compilation...every reviewer said that! It was ridiculous; let's see how good the kids from back then could do at Defender, guys!


And I remember seeing that for Star Wars: Rebel Assault for the Sega CD, where each and every reviewer said the game wasn't very good because they hardly used the color palette at all, everything was white, white, white. No, the game wasn't very good because the game wasn't very good, pure and simple; the lack of colors had nothing to do with it. But every single reviewer said the exact same thing on a very minor issue. And the mag was like that for a very long time.


Like I said, that was the EGM of old, hopefully they're better now, but I could care less. (Plus I don't have any current gaming platforms, so it'd just be a waste of my time to read reviews on games I'm not going to have any time soon; oh well.)

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I don't get it.  Are you trying to be funny?  WHat's with the tos?  Strange.....people.


Hey Godzilla I'm way to young to have been at school with those old men.



Hey, hold it! That's the FIRST error on too, to and two he's made.

and ZylonBane, quit taunting.

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I don't get it.  Are you trying to be funny?  WHat's with the tos?  Strange.....people.


Hey Godzilla I'm way to young to have been at school with those old men.



Hey, hold it! That's the FIRST error on too, to and two he's made.

and ZylonBane, quit taunting.


It wasn't, take my word for it.

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If might be so bold for a moment as to post something that is relevant to the topic...


I have a copy of EGM from February 1997, with an article featuring retro game consoles. It showed pictures of and described the Atari 2600,5200,7800, Odyssey 2, 300,500, DINA, Intellivision, and a Donkey Kong Jr. tabletop LCD game.


I don't think the writer really knew what he was talking about, for the most part, when he described the consoles. He wrote "different versions of the 5200 were available, not all were huge," and claimed that the Odyssey 500 was the "same thing as the Odyssey 300, except the 500 had 3 knobs instead of one," and that it was a "family machine, so 3 knobs instead of one came in handy." He obviously don't know how to play it, or had even seen it in action. He also wrote that Odyssey 2 games had joysticks so the player didn't have to use the keyboard, which was largely unusable anyway.


I'm not going to make a stance regarding EGM, but I do think that this particular writer (who is not even listed) is ignorant.


For interested parties, the title is "Retro-Active" in the Feb. 1997 issue of EGM.

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