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Anyone heard from Gunstar?


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Hi folks, not seen Matt / Gunstar on here for a while, nor has he been on another forum we both frequent. I've messaged him, but no reply, which is odd. Bit worried that something may have happened to his mother who he looks after, she's been quite ill for some time. Last time he was on here or the other forum was the 22nd of Jan. He's a workaholic so it's possible he is just busy, but just hoping that someone has chatted with him since. I'd knock on his door, but he's the other side of the big pond from us in the UK.





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4 hours ago, Mclaneinc said:


Hi folks, not seen Matt / Gunstar on here for a while, nor has he been on another forum we both frequent. I've messaged him, but no reply, which is odd. Bit worried that something may have happened to his mother who he looks after, she's been quite ill for some time. Last time he was on here or the other forum was the 22nd of Jan. He's a workaholic so it's possible he is just busy, but just hoping that someone has chatted with him since. I'd knock on his door, but he's the other side of the big pond from us in the UK.





Hi Paul,


we had a similar topic in our German ABBUC forum a short time ago 🙁.
Everybody was worried, but luckily I had a private email address in addition and emailed the user and I was very happy and relieved that he answered and he said: 
He is healthy and everything is ok, but he just needed a "ATARI break".


Now he is also again regularly in the forum🙂.


I hope very much, it is with Gunstar a similar situation....






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I do hope it's a case of an Atari break Andy, but Matt isn't that sort of bloke, he's always up to some sort of modding or just doing stuff. He has a few restoration threads on the other forum and he just never stops for a breath :)


The two main reasons of worry are the terrible weather conditions in the area he lives in and it also a little remote from looking at the satellite view. The other reason as said initially, is his mother, she was almost dead a little while back, but managed to keep going. A few of us on the other forum were going to do a video group call and asked who was up for it and zero response from a normally vocal Matt. And yes, I forgot what his business is and yep it's a summer thing, let's hope all is well as can be.


Sorry for the OT thread, just looking out for a fellow forum member and old mate..




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1 hour ago, Mclaneinc said:

Sorry for the OT thread, just looking out for a fellow forum member and old mate..


No reason to apologize for sincere concern for a friend. We should all be so lucky that the worst thing going is that someone asks about our welfare when we haven't been heard from in a while. We could all do with a few more friends like you and it would be nice if we were all a little more like you as friends.


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I don't know how current my contact information is, but I did not find any bad news in that area for the current month. I was unable to reach him at the number I had on file, it's changed since who knows when ago. Hope he's well. I wouldn't go crazy about it for another week or so. We all have things to deal with or do from time to time.

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I've done a deep search of media of various types and there's no news involving him or his mum, no obituaries recently, which is great news. I just hope it's something silly like the lines are down due to the recent awful weather etc. Yep, Jon, that was one of his other haunts as it is for a few of us. He's always showing his restoration / modding work on there. Just didn't name it in case it came across as site promotion. It's Tim Klines site..

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Little too much doxxing here on this I think. Especially if everything is fine for Matt currently and he has chosen to stay away for the time being, I don't think he would appreciate all of this personal info being posted like this. He live close to the 'Tower' but he and I have never met although we have had a few PMs exchanges over the years on various tech related things.


Update: Al has removed the information (Thanks!) in question that this reply was directed towards.


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Posting confidential information in a PM is fine, re-posting it in public forum is not. @Albert , please edit to blank these out and then delete.

A ten year old would not have enough information to start the process, a 10 year old with some of the information shared in a PM would though.

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Yeah I know Matt's address, we have exchanged bit's and bob's over time. Just wasn't going to post the details BUT it is all out there, for a few quid I can even get a credit, law breakage, and you name it report, but it's not my business so I don't do that. Just pointing out it is easy to get but my thing is to not post it. No disrespect to Gilsaluki, but I think also that albert should remove anything beyond he's in OK (maybe even that too)


All I want is for my old mate to say he's ok, as I would with all of you lot :)

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