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A good mail day to some, not to my wife.


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I thought I had a good mail day today. I received 4 different packages cosisting of a boxed Turmoil, a boxed Double Dunk, 2 Zellers games in excellent condition i might add and a Sears Tele Games Slots. I added a pic of what I got today, I am happy. :D My wife will laugh at me like usual when she gets home. Maybe an eye roll :roll:


So, you might ask how much everything was including S&H and I was too so I added it up.


GRAND TOTAL = $25.84 for everything. Not cheap but still.....I am happy and all of the instructions, labels and cartridges are very, very close to mint! :)

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Very nice, especially the Double Dunk.


Thanks! I have been trying for Double Dunk for awhile but wanted it complete and was holding out for a good price. I like the artwork on Zellers games for some reaon, they are different.


Different artwork fer sure! Despite trading off most of my Zellers games, I held on to Pinball........just for the label pic of the guy having a "spaz attack" on a video game no less!!! Zellers labels are to Atari games as "B" Movies are to Hollywood.


Game On!

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Different artwork fer sure! Despite trading off most of my Zellers games, I held on to Pinball........just for the label pic of the guy having a "spaz attack" on a video game no less!!! Zellers labels are to Atari games as "B" Movies are to Hollywood.


Game On!



My favorite, INCA GOLD! Don't have it though. Anyone have an extra? :?

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I got Double Dunk,I got Double Dunk,too!!!:)I'll post my 2600 collection ,too ....soon.......juss a little drunk right now lol :D ....where's the puke icon??????????????????lmao


It's early yet here in the west! :P It's all good though!


My wife is bringing me a treat home, she ask if I wanted beer tonight, hooray!! She asked what kind but I told here to surprise me. Wonder what I will get :?: :D

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My wife is bringing me a treat home, she ask if I wanted beer tonight, hooray!! She asked what kind but I told here to surprise me. Wonder what I will get


HMMMMM Geeeeee I wonder hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..Gosh I can barely type ...heheheee...OoOoOoOoOoOoOo...better pop in my DVD..............lmfao..............

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The price you paid for those games is dam good. My wife used to ask me all the time when I was going to stop collecting Atari items since I must have them all by now, so I sat her down next to me on the computer to look at all the stuff here on Atariage and now she leaves me alone.


;) :roll: :D

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The price you paid for those games is dam good.  My wife used to ask me all the time when I was going to stop collecting Atari items since I must have them all by now, so I sat her down next to me on the computer to look at all the stuff here on Atariage and now she leaves me alone.


Have you told her about the price of the games that you still need? :wink:




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 My wife used to ask me all the time when I was going to stop collecting Atari items since I must have them all by now, so I sat her down next to me on the computer to look at all the stuff here on Atariage and now she leaves me alone.


Oh yeah, I know just what you mean. A few weeks ago when folks were posting shots of their collections, someone had a link to his own site where there were photos of his shelves, lined with hundreds of cart boxes and every oddball permutation of console ever made. Even I thought, 'Gee that's a bit excessive.' But I didn't miss a trick--I forwarded the link to my wife, implied that these photos were of a 'typical' collection, and now I'm seen as the model of restraint! :D

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Oh yeah, I know just what you mean. A few weeks ago when folks were posting shots of their collections, someone had a link to his own site where there were photos of his shelves, lined with hundreds of cart boxes and every oddball permutation of console ever made. Even I thought, 'Gee that's a bit excessive.' But I didn't miss a trick--I forwarded the link to my wife, implied that these photos were of a 'typical' collection, and now I'm seen as the model of restraint! :D


You guys are lucky; everytime I log onto eBay or AA the wife-unit grabs a baseball bat, smacks it in her hands a couple times and says "Don't even think about it".


But I told her off the other night...... I yelled "You let me out from under this bed and I'll teach you a thing or two!!!"



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Different artwork fer sure! Despite trading off most of my Zellers games, I held on to Pinball........just for the label pic of the guy having a "spaz attack" on a video game no less!!! Zellers labels are to Atari games as "B" Movies are to Hollywood.


Game On!



My favorite, INCA GOLD! Don't have it though. Anyone have an extra? :?


The artwork on Inca Gold is from an old ad for c=64 graphic adventure death in the carribean. It was run in Electronics Games long ago...

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