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My new 7800 !


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It came!!!! I love it! (sort of, read on!)

I played/tested all the games that came with my system. Then I tested some 2600 carts. Most, including Koolaid Man (which I think I remember seeing didn't work?) work fine....although the Imagic carts wont even fit.

Anyway, I put back in a 7800 cart, and now it's black and white! I fiddled around testing about 20 more carts (both 2600 and 7800) and EVENTUALLY the color came back. I dont know what I did, but it came back. This was on my lunch break today.

Well, came home and played a few of each game again....and it's black and white again...AAArrrgghhh!! :x and I cant get the color back.

I searched and saw (some) advice on the topic which seems to be a problem inherent to the 7800, but no clear fix/solution....

I'd hate to take the system apart and screw something up...

Any ideas????

Oh, and I tried fiddling with the "pause" button....doesnt work. :sad:

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Hmm, well if wiggling the RF cord brought the color back, that would seem to indicate either a problem with the switchbox or the RF modulator on the 7800. Does the socket in the 7800, where the cord plugs in, seem loose at all?

Oh, and I doubt the 2600 carts have anything to do with it.



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The 7800 pause switch is the same as the 2600 color/bw switch except that when you push it, it doesn't stay in black and white mode. At least it's not supposed to. However, your problem doesn't sound related to the pause button. More than likely there is something wrong internally.



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