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7800 help


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What is a good price to pay for a working 7800?


It all depends on how much you want to look. The real trick is getting one with a running power supply.


What 2600 games CANT it run?


Check out the FAQ for this. It basically depends on the model of 7800 that you have. There's only a handful of games that cause issues though - some of the Activision titles don't work on some 7800's, the Tigervision games won't fit and a few others.


Can it run 2600 games well/emulation perfect? 


The 7800 is actually a combination of new hardware plus 2600 hardware. It does a perfect job playing 2600 games. It doesn't "emulate" as much as it has an actual 2600 mode that turns off the 7800 hardware.


Should I get a 7800 over a 5200? why?


Man - this one should bring out the insecure 5200 owners with penis envy. LOL. :wink:


This is kind of a subjective question - it all depends on what types of games you like. If you're into arcade classics, both the 7800 and 5200 have some killer versions of classic arcade games. The 5200 has many more of them, though that's not including the 7800's backwards compatability. Some radical 5200 owners will tell you that the "quality of the 5200's library is unsurpassed", but that's also subjective. Neither system has great controllers, though the 5200's are more prone to problems and harder to replace. The 7800 has more advanced graphics and animation, the 5200 has better sound. 7800 games are also more modern, going up to 144K vs. 32K for the 5200 and later 7800 titles are like NES games.


If I were you, I'd look at the types of games you like and try each system on the MESS emulator. I personally prefer the 7800, but I dig a mixture of NES style adventure games with good versions of arcade classics and mid-80s computer hits. But the 5200 sure as a lot of sharp conversions of early 1980s arcade games.


Should I get a 7800 over a 2600? why?


To me, this is a no-brainer. Unless you're the ultimate 2600 completionist, get a 7800. Why? You can play 2600 games on the 7800 but not vica versa. It's the best of both worlds.


Are the games for the 7800 good? (Examples please)


What do you like? "good" is subjective. Some of the radical 5200 nuts will tell you there isn't anything that was ever good on the 7800 - even as an idea. And some games that some people love, others don't like.


In terms of games that often seem to be well received, these come to mind:


Ballblazer - a must have for this system. According to lore, it was designed with the 7800 in mind.


Food Fight


Robotron 2084






Tower Toppler


Midnight Mutants


Scrapyard Dog


Alien Brigade

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umm...Ikari Warriors!!!



Donkey Kong (Graphics good, sound bad)

Donkey Kong Jr. (graphics good, sound bad)


Just a few more to toss up there. The 5200 doesn't even have any of the DK games for it...so at least you can get much better versions of those on the 7800.


Now if the Moon Patrol and Crystal Castles protos for the 7800 are ever found, and if they are about 80% complete or so...then we hopefully will be looking at some of the best ports of those two games ever. The 7800 had the power to pull them off...but will the protos ever be found?



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umm...Ikari Warriors!!!



Donkey Kong (Graphics good, sound bad)

Donkey Kong Jr. (graphics good, sound bad)


Just a few more to toss up there.  The 5200 doesn't even have any of the DK games for it...so at least you can get much better versions of those on the 7800.


Now if the Moon Patrol and Crystal Castles protos for the 7800 are ever found, and if they are about 80% complete or so...then we hopefully will be looking at some of the best ports of those two games ever.  The 7800 had the power to pull them off...but will the protos ever be found?




They'll be found right after Electrocop, Gauntlet, Wood And Water Rage (or White Water Madness), and Rescue On Fractalus ...

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