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Cart slot issue? Atari 800 noob here.


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Hello All!

Everyone has been so helpful in my learning and repairing the 800 that recently came into my possession!  Thank you all!

I am wondering if I have an issue.  I built a couple 8 bank carts.  I put basic v1.0 on one and Monkey Wrench II on the other.  My understanding is that I could put MWII in the right slot and basic in the left to get the added features of MWII in basic?  The carts seem to work fine on their own, basic works in the left slot and MWII works in either slot (boots up to the machine language monitor).  But when I put basic in the left slot and MWII in the right, I get a black screen.

Am I missing something?


Thank you,


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2 hours ago, Nezgar said:

I haven't used Monkey Wrench II myself, but here is the manual which might help:


Thanks for your reply.  That was the first thing I did.  LOL

The manual states to put basic in the left slot and MWII in the right slot and the prompt should show the Monkey Wrench II and basic are active.  :(

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20 hours ago, kheller2 said:

where did you get the MW2 ROM?  There were two versions of the cart, as I recall, one for the 800 and a later one for the XL.

Also, are you sure you built the Right cart correctly?

I believe the one I am using I got off a post here.  I also tried another one that would not work at all, so I figured that one for the XL.  But it does work in either slot.  Just not with Basic and MW2 at the same time. :(

Both carts are good.  They play both 8k and 16k games as well as Basic just fine.

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