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VBXL Install with KVM switch


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I have a VBXL that I am ready to install into my Atari 800XL.  I know it ports it all RGB with a C/Hsync line.  I have seen many installs using a mini-DIN 13 to SCART connector.  I have currently designed a RGB KVM+Audio switch and I believe I can instead just use the Standard DIN 8 instead of a mini-DIN 13 to port the RGB, Sync and Audio so it could hook up to this KVM.


Am I correct in assuming that?  I know I will not be able to use the keyboard as my two Geneves use a USB keyboard interface specifically designed for them.  But video and audio should be fine.  thoughts?


My current KVM: 




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Hello Shift838


Another option might be SAVO XL.  It uses the Sega Saturn connector and the hole where the RF-modulator usually sits.






PS the site in the URL was used because it seems to be the only one I could find.  SAVO XL and SAVO XE are new.


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I have completed the installation of the VBXL and it works with my KVM switch.  I am not using the keyboard hooked up to my KVM as it is strictly for the Geneve, but it works for RGB video output via SCART and Audio.



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