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SIDE3 with U1MB .ATR creation


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Go into SIDE3 menu

press L to go into the loader

press CRTL M and a menu should appear

move down with arrow keys and select new image


or just press SHIFT-CTRL I for the same option


then select the image you want

then name it whatever you want to call it <name>.ATR


that's it, you will have a new disk image on the SD card that you can mount into a drive slot 


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42 minutes ago, videofx said:

Does it automatically read the floppy disk that is inserted in drive 1.

Currently not, but if you mount the ATR you just created on one drive and have the floppy on a different drive ID, you can boot the DOS of your choice and do a raw copy between the floppy and the ATR. Or you can run your preferred sector copier direct from the loader, to which it will return when it's done.

Edited by flashjazzcat
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1 minute ago, videofx said:

I assume it will also work in reverse? If I want to make a floppy from the ATR mount the ATR then do a RAW copy to the floppy?

Yes, it will work the other way around as well. The FAT-hosted ATRs report PERCOM data corresponding to their geometry, so any disk copier should believe it's dealing with two physical floppies.

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