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NUC vs Modified XEGS?


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I have been reading about the 2 NUC models - mostly on Brewing Acadamey (thanks for recent gear!) and they seem like a prety cool thing.


As some of you might have noted, I’ve been asking questions about doing an internally mounted fujinet, U1MB FJC, and most likely a video mod.. Was hoping to find someone in America to do the work but if not I will just pay Lotharek and be patient. 


My question is - do the NUC’s give you everything you could possibly want in an Atari? Or does a modded Atari with B, Video Mod, and Fujinet rival the NUC? I honestly am not much of a game player other than a select few like pitfall/galahad/starraiders/donke kong - and have very little interest in games that were written for the Atari to utilize more memory or faster processor than was originally included in stock ATari’s.. My interest is more about datacomms, archiving, a bit of developing, etc.. 


Based on the words above can anyone provide me guidance on which way I should go?

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I have both the 576NUC+ and a heavily expanded XEGS with U1MB/VBXE/Pokeymax. For your purposes i think the NUC from the Brewing Academy with a nice PS/2 keyboard is a perfect match. I would recommend the version with cartridge port if you want to use SpartaDOS X. I use Lotharek's Side2 Cartridge in conjunction with my NUC.

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31 minutes ago, Dinadan67 said:

I have both the 576NUC+ and a heavily expanded XEGS with U1MB/VBXE/Pokeymax. For your purposes i think the NUC from the Brewing Academy with a nice PS/2 keyboard is a perfect match. I would recommend the version with cartridge port if you want to use SpartaDOS X. I use Lotharek's Side2 Cartridge in conjunction with my NUC.

So let me ask this - and this is just uneducation on my part - it seemed like U1MB was pretty much the pinnacle addon (at least until FJNet came out) if I went with NUC I would be not losing out on anything it provides? I dont think I would have any need for the 1088 based on my interests, so other than losing 512 of ram from the u1mb would I love out on anything else? Of course sparta X is a requirement… 

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Yes, you would lose on the advanced features of the U1MB, but for "datacomms, archiving, a bit of developing, etc.. " you don't need it. I was under the impression that buying a fully assembled machine from the Brewing Academy ist much easier than getting all the parts from Lotharek and finding someone to assemble it. If you decide to do the latter, i recommend you contact @flashjazzcat

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