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SIO2USB (and others) - is there any danger to POKEY?


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I remember discussing similar topic during the era of serial SIO2PC interfaces but during this year's Forever party Pinokio reminded me of it again - is there any danger to the POKEY chip when connecting/using devices like SIO2USB: https://lotharek.pl/productdetail.php?id=108 ? 


I can't remember the details but it was something about unprotected voltage/data lines to the IC (which should be easily fixed by a diode, right?)


Does somebody know more? Or is it totally obsolete these days?

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The golden rule - afaik - is never to plug or unplug SIO cables/devices into an A8 whilst anything is on. I've damaged one 1050 drive by accidentally doing so in the past.


I also read somewhere about adding a diode (Schotty) into the mix to prevent damage.


It's funny that the SIO is seen as the very early precursor to USB - a plug and play setup - where you are used to plugging/unplugging a USB device with the machines on.

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There's danger with SIO2SD where it can brick the device if hotplugged - I think it has to do with improper brownout setting on the PIC.

Not sure if there's a fix - it's been mentioned around here in some threads that are probably fairly old by now.


Danger to Pokey?  I think probably no more so than from legacy devices.  Devices that are powered from the computer might be even safer since they'd be on the same ground potential where powered peripherals could potentially have issues in that area.

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3 hours ago, Rybags said:

Danger to Pokey?  I think probably no more so than from legacy devices.


The Atari 400/800 POKEY directly drives the serial lines of the peripheral port. A couple years of heavy use can wear out the serial drivers in the POKEY. The rest of the POKEY works fine, but nothing on the peripheral port will respond until you replace the POKEY. I wore out two POKEYs on my 400 before finally retiring it.

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