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XEUX - OS like LINUX 17-years after on github


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From author, Krap, posted on atariarea (sorry, deepl translation):

In telegraphic terms, it is:
- the kernel of the system, enabling the concurrent operation of 32 independent processes
- cooperative multiprocessing
- process expropriation
- linear RAM allocation and relocatable binary files
- signals (including the ability for processes to register their own procedures for handling them)
- basic inter-process communication
- virtual consoles (with a very primitive editor, pardon the pun)
- storage handling via DOS routines and semaphores

The whole thing will work on a stock XL/XE machine, of course additional RAM (portb) is advisable.
The size of a single code segment is limited to 15KB.

Well, and of course this is a proof of concept, but there are a few naive applications that show that these signals work, and you can register some of your own procs there and send a signal and it takes and works, or fire up a few processes on different virtual consoles and switch over and watch the fan slow down as resources run out or as you need to deallocate.

You open at your own risk.
You have been warned.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


And link to github: https://github.com/czeslawsender/xeux

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Instead of always reinventing the wheel, if someone wanted to port some flavour of *nix over, why not do Minix ? It's relatively simple, was designed as teaching OS and the guy even published a book (which I have) of how the whole thing works. Seems like a good place to start if you're into that sort of thing.


15K doesn't seem like much space for a process workspace.

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Everything that I have for that project is on the github repo.

There is no ROM per se, as this is more of a proof of concept than an actual product.

I've had that plan, that it will be just a start for some major refactor and the things will just snowball from there, but well, life happened.


In the repo there are three ATR images, and the working demo is on XEUX.ATR.

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