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Star Raiders C64?


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I came across some videos and comments that suggested a strong desire for Star Raiders on the C64 (stated in the videos and in the comments section).  I have to assume these are C64 owners / users / fans, and I was surprised by it.


I know that Star Raiders is a killer title, one of my favorites...was there any specific reason this wasn't ported to the C64?  I know Star Raiders II was ported, but that's nowhere near as "cool" as the original.


Was this an intentional move by Atari?  Is there any reason (legal?) that there isn't a homebrew version on the C64?


Just curious.

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59 minutes ago, rdefabri said:

Is there any reason (legal?) that there isn't a homebrew version on the C64?

Most likely, given that the game predated the C64 by three years, there wasn't any interest in doing a port at the time.  Exclusivity may have also played into it, but by 1982/3 there would have been other titles with better name recognition out there.


Interesting that there is call for it in the C64 community, though.  Personally, I'd be interested in seeing it become one of those games like Elite that ends up ported to just about every platform under the sun, but that's just me.

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SR 2 (the Last Starfighter based one) was released, I've not really checked it out.

I had some interest myself in doing a conversion but for me, it's one of those titles you just want to keep exclusive.


It's sort of like "Long way to the top" - it's a Bon Scott exclusive, he was there from the struggling days of the band until they cracked the big time, and it's a song that AFAIK they've never performed live since he died.

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I'm all for porting to every system that can handle it.  I don't have a C64 but that is ok, I think the C64 vs Atari days are long in the past.

Caverns of Mars was just ported to the Intellivision and they did an amazing job considering the weaker hardware.  Though Caverns is less technically challenging than Raiders.

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