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Anyone use Atari800MacX? Weird arrow key problem.


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(I know, I know, it's an emulator, not the real McCoy, but I have a reason for it, I swear!)


So, I'm running 6.0.1 of this very nice little emulator that I've been running for years. In the preferences there are three options for arrow keys: Arrow Keys Only, Ctrl+Arrow Keys, and F1-F4. When I set this to Arrow Keys Only and go into BASIC, UP gives me -, down gives me =, left gives me +, and right gives me *. This matches the respective keys on the Atari hardware. When I set it to Ctrl+Arrow Keys and go into BASIC, the arrow keys work as expected (UP is up, DOWN is down, etc).


The problem arises when I disable BASIC and boot into Ultima III. If I have the arrow keys set to Arrow Keys Only then LEFT and RIGHT correctly equate to WEST and EAST respectively. But DOWN inexplicably equates to NORTH, while UP does nothing except generate a "WHAT?" from the game (indicating an unknown key press). If I have the arrow keys set to Ctrl+Arrow Keys then UP, LEFT, and RIGHT gives me the "WHAT?" response while DOWN again inexplicably equates to NORTH.


Every other command in the game appears to work properly. Anyone have any ideas what may be going on here?

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Okay, chalk this one up to old age.


This isn't actually a problem, or at least not one with the emulator. My memory isn't what it was and I assumed the arrow keys were directional keys, but they're not. North and south aren't up and down, they're ] and /.


Getting old is a bitch.

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