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New to 800XL - need some upgrade advice.


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Hi folks.

I've recently bought a gorgeous 800XL.  Back in the day I had the 400, 65XE and 130XE, in recent years I've been using the atari800 emulator on PC.  I've been using SpartaDOS X, but on a real 800XL I don't have a cart to load it from.  I have bought a FujiNet (amazing device) but obviously that doesn't support cart images.  I also want to increase RAM but I cannot do the internal U1MB upgrade myself.

I am looking at an AVGcart with a PBI cable.  If I understand all this, this will give me 512K extended RAM and the ability to load cart images, and therefore SpartaDOS X.

I have done a lot of reading and research, am I on the right track with this?  Will it work as I expect and will it all work ok in conjunction with my FujiNet?  Are there any caveats or issues I should be aware of?


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I would consider getting or making the SIO cable for the AVG as well. As FujiNet evolves there are periods of time where another method of storage and access to real SIO level support from another device is IMHO vital.


They combination of devices at times have been pretty sweet but other times downright infuriating, the AVGcart has been the single most used newer device I've had the pleasure of experimenting with initially and using almost every time I fire up an Atari since.

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2 hours ago, _The Doctor__ said:

I would consider getting or making the SIO cable for the AVG as well. As FujiNet evolves there are periods of time where another method of storage and access to real SIO level support from another device is IMHO vital.


They combination of devices at times have been pretty sweet but other times downright infuriating, the AVGcart has been the single most used newer device I've had the pleasure of experimenting with initially and using almost every time I fire up an Atari since.

Thanks for replying, but if I connect the AVGcart to the SIO, that will mean I will not be able to connect to the PBI to extend the RAM?  Having more RAM seems more important than another method of loading ATRs.  Or am I missing something there.


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Providing it is a stock 800XL and not an XLF (an 800xl with a Freddie chip, effectively an XE), you could do the rambo XL 256k internal upgrade. 


Or do the U1MB internal upgrade which is pretty easy in the grand scheme of things. 


You'll still be able to use Fujinet and also AVG. 


Where are you based? Is this a PAL or NTSC 800XL?


Also Taiwanese or Hong Kong made? If latter all chips will be socketed. 


Have you read the pinned newbies topic thread at the top of AtariAge BTW? 

Edited by Beeblebrox
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50 minutes ago, Beeblebrox said:

Providing it is a stock 800XL and not an XLF (an 800xl with a Freddie chip, effectively an XE), you could do the rambo XL 256k internal upgrade. 


Or do the U1MB internal upgrade which is pretty easy in the grand scheme of things. 


You'll still be able to use Fujinet and also AVG. 


Where are you based? Is this a PAL or NTSC 800XL?


Also Taiwanese or Hong Kong made. If latter all chips will be socketed. 


Have you read the pinned newbies topic thread at the top of AtariAge BTW? 

Hi yeah I read the newbies thing, also went down lots of rabbit holes and dead ends trying to find out up-to-date and current info.  My 800XL is PAL (UK) and non-socketed, I did watch the video of the U1MB upgrade, I'm not confident enough to risk it, my eyes and hands are not up to it anymore.  I was not aware of the 'XLF', or if the Rambo upgrade was still available, I'll look into that.


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43 minutes ago, THX-1138 said:

Hi yeah I read the newbies thing, also went down lots of rabbit holes and dead ends trying to find out up-to-date and current info.  My 800XL is PAL (UK) and non-socketed, I did watch the video of the U1MB upgrade, I'm not confident enough to risk it, my eyes and hands are not up to it anymore.  I was not aware of the 'XLF', or if the Rambo upgrade was still available, I'll look into that.


Yup, that is the nature of retro computing and modern upgrades, etc. Lots of to read, often a big learning curve, lots of rabbit holes. 


Where are you based in the UK Incidentally? There are other who can install upgrades for you. 


U1MB requires the OS and MMU chips to be socketed and also 4 x pickup wires hooked up to vias on the 800XL's pcb board, (which hook up to 4 x cpu legs for Phi2/rw/rst/halt) 


Rambo XL 256k is ironically more involved in a non socketed 800XL. It requires the ram chips all socketed and the 256k of ram installed, a 158 chip to be socketed and rambo XL board installed, two hookups on the PCB and 5 hooked up to the legs of the pia chip. 




U1MB is approx double the cost of rambo XL but gives you so much more. It's not just a 1mb ram upgrade. 


See here:https://atari8.co.uk/firmware/ultimate-1mb/


I believe the AVG cart (latest version and latest firmware) can give to access to 1mb of it's SRAM, (correct me if I am wrong.) 


More on AVG here:









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I'm in East Sussex at the moment, I've already opened the machine up and photographed it all for later reference, the OS and MMU are soldered to the board - I've already ruled out the U1MB as I don't really want the board altered if I can avoid it.  Also from what I can see, mine does not have the Freddie chip.


As far as I can see, the AVGcart with the external cable can give and additional 512K (+64 = 576K)


I was really wanting to be sure the AVGcart would work with SpartaDOS X and Fujinet ok before spending more money.


One thing I cannot find is if there is a way to extend the cartridge port and SIO away from the computer, so all these expansion boxes are out of sight instead of protruding from the machine.


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It's a funny thing but adding sockets I don't really consider altering as some XL come socketed, some don't. But I know what you mean generally in so much as not wanting to touch it if that is you wish. 


I think there are cart extenders and also you can run Fujinet via an. Sio cable via it's passthrough sio afaik. 


With the newer AVG carts. And the new January firmware you can access 1mb:



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Another positive for the U1MB is that it has SpartadosX on board. Leaving your cartridge and sio ports open. I know Flashjazzcat is in the UK and does Atari modifications. He's probably quite busy, but if you don't want to tackle the mod yourself that could be an option. 

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Plus afaik Fujinet and U1MB play quite well together and so XE you have one already it's something that you might not want to rule out. 


It'll give you SDX, 1mb, and as chevymad stats frees up cart and port. 


U1MB is around £80 in the UK. 


Worth at least looking into even if you decide the excellent AVG cart is your best option. 


BTW www.retrolemon.co.uk sell the Sio splitter as well as AVG and u1mb. I buy from them regularly. 



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I'm gonna ask for a quote from Flashjazzcat, but I'm probably going to go for the AVGcart - as it's reversible, if the machine dies or I want to get another one, I can use the AVGcart on that instead.

I just want to see if I can extend that cartridge slot out so I can have a neat setup, having a cart sticking out with wires coming out looks messy.


Yeah, it will be retrolomon - seems cheaper direct than his eBay store.


Thanks everyone ;-)


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10 hours ago, patjomki said:


Ye, you are missing 😉 that AVGcart has two connectors, one for a PBI/ECI cable and the other one for a sio cable.

You are right.  Absolutely. 


I totally missed that, I noticed in a video I watched last night that there was two cables coming off the cart.


Thank you. 😉

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12 hours ago, mimo said:

@THX-1138 you won't be disappointed with the AVG cart.



I can second that. With both additional cables connected you can run almost any Atari 8-bit program from an AVGCART. It is indisputably a visible cartridge with cables hanging out however!

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