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Operation Atari Forever

Your Atari Forever Plan  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your current plan for Atari Forever?

    • Original Hardware - I plan to use spare parts or buy additional original systems as time goes on.
    • Emulation, PC or Mobile - I like it coupled with a device I use often.
    • FPGA - MiST/MiSTer and any others I may be aware of.
    • New Hardware based on original - 1088XEL and any others I am unaware of.
    • Other - Sorry! I may have missed some options. Place in comments.

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  • Poll closed on 04/11/2023 at 01:59 AM

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3 hours ago, flashjazzcat said:

1xSIO because it takes forevery to load anything.


Much too fast. Try a data recorder with 600 Baud or a modem with 300 baud for updating U1MB and other stuff.


I am a fan of original hardware, still using 1050 floppy drives and 1010 data recorders with my 800XL computers.

(Also using RAM upgrades and AVG carts.)


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All of it - I have at least a dozen real machines to use or for spare parts.  Fortunately acquired when you could get full bare PCBs for $5 a piece.  I do my programming and debugging on emulators because of the wonder debuggers.  I've also helped beta test / debug the FPGA replacements.  There's no reason to just pick one.  I still do prefer real hardware for the ultimate experience though, and this includes using CRT for display.


That being said, while I will still use tape for audio, I will not ever use it for storage or loading data again.  When I got my 1050 in 1984, after a 2 years of having the 410 deck, I swore that was the end.  Hell - once I discovered US Doubler in 1987, I've not had to suffer 1X SIO.

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6 hours ago, Stephen said:

I do my programming and debugging on emulators because of the wonder debuggers.

I'm with you there, Altirra debugger is the business.


I still use original hardware and get some sort of guilty pleasure every time I start using my 800,

there's just something about it I don't get when using either my 800XL or 130XE's 🥰


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