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800 fujinet troubleshooting xex file loading


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Hi everyone. I've been having more files glitch and crash than I would expect loading from xex files. Thought I'd ask what others see / know to see if its a problem. 


I have a 800 with fujinet. I just upgraded / totally replaced the memory and the problem happens with both old and new ram. 


As a example; Time Pilot from homesoft and atarimania crash loading from my fujinet. Does this image work for anyone else? Any other 800 users? Anyone else loading via fujinet? 


Thanks. It's just one test example; enough are failing it is worth it to figure out the problem.




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only suggestions,

turn down pokey divisor

turn off R: driver etc.

but how do I net without R: or N:?

you first copy the disk or file to a local SD card and mount that..

but my MidiMaze doesn't work or disconnect... tell them about it, here, on discord, and github etc.

but my drives disappear/timeout or things randomly stop working the more I use the drive slot etc... tell them about it, here, on discord, and github etc.


try rolling back to earlier firmware, or earlier bt supporting firmware. see if you can find the older flasher if necessary. all of the above appear to be normal for the device. Might be best to use it as a netmodem, and limited network backup storage drive until it gets reliable


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How much RAM do you have? I'd suggest making sure that games you're trying to load work with your Atari if loaded from a different device. It's possible that the XEX loader provided by FN requires memory area, which is not available in your config or there's a conflict with an older ROM version. In such a case it would be good to make an ATR image with a loader that deffinitely works on your system and load a game from this image rather than with a default XEX loader.

I have an 800 and FijiNet works fine but this machine was expanded with an Incognito so it's not stock. 

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21 minutes ago, bandit said:

I have an 800 and Time Pilot runs fine with Fujinet < However I have Incognito also.

I guess it would do if the Incognito settings in bios are 1088kb and Atari XL/XE O/S. You could set the Incognito bios to stock Colleen 800 settings temporaily and see what happens with Timepilot then.

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16 minutes ago, Beeblebrox said:

I guess it would do if the Incognito settings in bios are 1088kb and Atari XL/XE O/S. You could set the Incognito bios to stock Colleen 800 settings temporaily and see what happens with Timepilot then.

I had almost forgot Incognito, that was a last second post. Anyway Collen mode does not run game.



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50 minutes ago, sl0re said:

How do I get up to 52k?

There are diy mod instructions over the years as well as modern plugin boards you can buy, although the latter will tend to be higher than 52k upgrades.


In the States @reifsnyderb has desiged and sells some 800 ram boards like this 1056k one:




1056k Memory Upgrade Board for the Atari 800 1

Edited by Beeblebrox
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44 minutes ago, Dinadan67 said:

I tested it with my 800 that has 52KB base memory + 496KB Axlon memory. Unfortunately Time Pilot does not run.

52k of base memory will conflict with Axlon memory as the Axlon registers are within the high part of the 52k of RAM.  Specifically, to have 52k of base memory, the 800 will use the memory from $C000-$CFFF.  Axlon uses, at minimum, $CFFF as it's register.  In many implementations of Axon banking, $CFFF is mirrored with at least 16 of the addresses before it.  This results in a situation whereby if a program tries to uses memory within the Axlon range the memory banks will change and the system will crash.


The only way for a program to use any of the 52k of base memory, with an Axlon compatible memory installed, is for the program to have been written to not attempt to use the addresses within the Axlon banking region.

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