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yes, i've played this game.

i also own a copy of this on a toshiba eprom that resides on an atari 4/8

meg developer board.rather rare board according to brad koda with whom

i've talked to about it.he has said that he believes it to be one of "5" (five of them) boards that exist in the world.he does not have one of these or

an eprom of this,either.

relief pitcher is a 90%+ complete lynx prototype game.it is a two player comlynx title.it is a 512k/4 meg with great graphics, gameplay and voice synthesis.there are three copies of this game that are known to exist out

there(my atari burned copy,another atari burned copy and one that i let be

cloned off my eprom for evaluation for possible release by telegames or

others in the future.this game got halted by the economic climate in the u.s. this year so you folks did not get to see or buy or try it out at cge '03. too bad.such is life with an atari system you own and love,you learn to live

with game release disappointments. :)

would any of you folks like to see possibly 16 scans of this game in rather

high quality color?? was that a "yes!" i heard from lynxland? hmmm,well

alright i'll let you know how to go about doing it.seeing how i've piqued the

interest of all reading this topic and post to the forum.

go to:




here you will find a link to the scans of this super lynx title i've let be put

up on the web to view.sorry,no download of rom though.that's classified.

you'll have pay a license fee for that.the game is going to be released for

all on cartridge soon.look for it!!---the ultimate atari lynxer

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the game needs some final fine tuning to make it truly,truly great.the only

problem we have here is,there are no programmers notes for it now to

help with encryption it has "and" the source code no longer exists to go in

and fine tune the code as is needed.the code has been run through the

"howard board" to no avail.the program has an encryption from the origin-

al coder that is now unknown to us all.without the "notes",the fine tuning

cannot happen.the game gives no program credit to anyone other than the

copyright of 1992 to atari games.although,i do know the company that did

this game from my own efforts.the problem is that they no longer exist to inquire about anything on it.without coders notes no more can happen to take it past the 90-95% level to make this game really stellar as

the best lynx title ever made! truly,truly sad.what a really great game got

abandoned by atari around the time of the of the release of the jaguar.it

would've been a truly fantastic lynx release in 1993/4/5.if you've looked at

the scans i've let be posted,i think you'll probably agree.everyone that has

seen and played my copy has been very impressed with it taking baseball

way beyond the "toilet" effort of baseball heroes released before for lynx.

let me know your thoughts on the scans.graphics many times help tell the

tale of a game with me! not always though.sometimes the games really do

suck even with fantastic graphics.not so with relief pitcher.great all around

game.even if is "only" 95% complete.i'd love to see it at 100 or 110%.that

would be truly stellar.--the ultimate atari lynxer

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I took a look at the pics. It definitely looks nice!

I'm a big baseball fan (looking forward to the Red Sox vs the Cubs this World Series! ;) ) so I'm particularly interested in getting a copy one o' these days.

I'm curious to know more about the game play. Does the player actually bat in this game? It obviously focuses on pitching, but do you play the other half of the inning? When picking the team (I like the Strokers :D ) is that your team or your opponents?


Good luck on getting this out to the world!

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in a one player game you play against the computer and it can pitch to

you some tough pitches.you have full control over your players and the

basemen.i'm not a big baseball fan and i like the game!! the voiceovers

are very good from the ump and the harry cary-like announcer.very much

like a real game with the graphics and all thrown in for good measure.you

just alternate back and forth with the computer when you strike it out or it

strikes you out.

about team picking,the one you choose is yours and the computer gives

you one of the other three left as your opponent.you choose the things you want to:right or left handed pithcher,what type of game(9 innings or

12 twelve game tournament) and some other things to make the game

to your liking.

about batting,yes,your player does bat--just like real baseball.both teams

each take their turn until you all strike out.

about pitching,you have full control over your pitches--speed and such.at

the beginning you can choose your pitcher to be a side or overhand one.

the players are well animated--they run after the ball,they pitch fast to get

you at any of the bases(first base seems to be the real easy pickoff one),

the short stop grabs the ball fast for an out at first or second,the outfield

boys pluck those great-looking homerun-type hits you get,the basemen

grab your hits fast when they can get them for that quick out.all sweet!

the game also supports 2 player comlynx,which i have not tried yet.if it is

like or even better than the one player version(a very real possiblity as the comlynx mode is where many lynx games really shine) then it could

prove to be a real winner.cannot tell you how the comlynx mode is yet on

rp,sorry.i've been working on this.

also,you control your outfielders and the bases they throw to.the catcher,

pitcher,and the basemen all can throw to each other.the pitcher can pickoff

a stealer at or between bases with the baseman or catcher.the ump calls

all the balls,strikes and outs.lots of nice speech synthesis to listen to! the

scans give an idea of the greatness this game possesses.you have to hear

the thing though to appreciate it.nice gameplay.seems to be a winner that

atari really screwed us all out of seeing and playing 10 years ago.real pity.

the jag was nice,but why did the lynx have to be sacrificed because of it?

we all got a royal screwing on this game and some other unreleased proto

games in those days.--the ultimate atari lynxer

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glad you like the scans.thanks.

the sound quality is excellent on rp,doesn't matter if is the opening remar-

ks of the announcer or the umpire making the calls or the announcer giv-

ing you the play by play stuff.just great lynx speech synthesis all around.

either one of the top five or the best lynx speech i've heard to date.this is

in my opinion,you know.i have a good ear for sound.this is very good for a

lynx game.sounds great through stereo bud headphones on a lynx two.i

like the sound as much as the "gentlemen start your engines" on checker-

ed flag or the jimmy connors' tennis stuff.malibu bikini volleyball is rather

good too! several lynx games have great stereo sound.stun runner does

too,as i remember.also,pinball jam.some stink this way,cyberball comes to

mind at the moment.stay tuned.--the lynxer

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