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Atari show talk including demo of Atari GUI type thingy?


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A long time ago I found a 3 part video, possibly not on youtube, that had a presentation on the Atari computers which included a talk on some obscure GUI type interface. Does anybody remember the talk I am thinking of and a link to the videos. I remember the original videos were on youtube but the uploader put them somewhere else after they were removed from YT.


Having a bad memory and not having them in backups of things I downloaded with 4k downloader sucks a$$!

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Was it a suite of programs that were supposed to come out for both the ST and 130XE, offered mouse control and things like a word processor and spreadsheet?  I don't remember the name of it but it's all I can think of.

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It was a proper presentation on an Atari stand not a one to one interview, I remember that. I believe, but am not 100% sure, the ST was also included later so probably 1985.


It was in 2 or 3 parts, the uploader had a youtube channel but one or two of the parts were missing and then later I found his videos, same username, on another streaming site....possibly dailymotion.


Really bugging me now because I know I downloaded the videos but they are not on any backups of my old PC.

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37 minutes ago, Stephen said:

Was it a suite of programs that were supposed to come out for both the ST and 130XE, offered mouse control and things like a word processor and spreadsheet?  I don't remember the name of it but it's all I can think of.

It was a generic talk for all Atari computers that covered some sort of GUI style wedge for the 8bit computers. It was definitely a topic on here as I remember posting links bak in a thread on here , possibly in the ST section though. The total video was around 30 minutes or more.

Edited by oky2000
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Hello _The Doctor__


I did tried to find disk image of Matrix Solutions infinity suite on Bing.com or Google.com or even Atarimania.com. No available anywhere.  Yes, I understand, you said, they did gave away free demo real diskette. But the problem who were those people had the their copies of demo software and transfer into disk image. Will those people willing to copy and transfer from their real Atari drive into PC or M2 Macintosh ? I wish I would love to visit their CES 1985 Expo !


Interesting link : https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1985-03-08-8501130835-story.html


That guy, Garofalo was responsible for developing of Infinity. Is that guy still alive today ? Yes, he was teenager that time in 1985. 

Edited by Caterpiggle
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