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Sophia 2 screen glitch


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Hey all, I just installed a Sophia 2 in my 800XL.  When I type sometimes the screen quickly blinks and comes right back like it's a short or something.  The RF shield is off so nothing is pressing down on the Sophia itself.  In experimenting I just noticed that if I move the path of the ribbon it seems to go away.  When I had it running to the right and then up to the hole out the back it had the glitch.  However, when I run it up to the top first and then right and out avoiding the middle of the board, it seems to no longer happen.  is this a coincidence or is there something possibly shorten on the board that I need to be concerned about?  Here are photo's of the two paths. First is the path across the middle that had the glitch and the one on the right is the one that does not.   


Screenshot 2023-04-23 at 9.23.17 AM.png

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It could be the ribbon cable is a little temperamental.


Habd it not been for you mentioning the moving of the ribbon cable making a difference i'd have suggested trying a different DVI to DVI cable. I had weird behaviour on my Sophia 2 setups in the past which cable down to the DVI to DVI cable. 



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8 minutes ago, V-Cool said:

Brewing academy sells a long one with it as an option.  

Ah. I sourced mine from Simius directly from Poland as I am in the UK so the cost of buying Sophia 2 from the US isn't viable.


I assumed Simius only sold the Sophia 2 with a standard single length ribbon cable.

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4 minutes ago, Simius said:

The longer unshielded ribbon cable, the greater the chance of unwanted effects. Just find the best routing. I had been sending longer (up to 12 inch) cables on request.


@SimiusNo worries. I didn't know there was an option to chose longer cables when ordering. I might source one. Can you tell me the type of ribbon cable and connector I need to look for perhaps?  I tried looking at the Sophia 2 manual PDF but it doesn't mention these specifics afaik. :) 

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5 hours ago, Simius said:

The longer unshielded ribbon cable, the greater the chance of unwanted effects. Just find the best routing. I had been sending longer (up to 12 inch) cables on request.


So, you don't think I have a defective cable that needs to be replaced?

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If Brewing Academy made the bespoke cable maybe there is a very slight misalignment or a weak connection with the IDC pins and the ribbon cable at a puncture point. They are manually assembled by the sounds of it and these things can happen I am guessing. Or as Simius mentioned the length is introducing some issues. 

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