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Bulgarian Olimex manufacturer of ARM singleboard computers similar to RaspberryPi also AgonLight2 Z80 hobby computer is developing 30Euro 6502 computer called NEO6502.
He want use RP2040 for graphics, sound and i/o key/mouse and disk. 

Here is blog:

Here is how AgonLight2(z80) looks like:



Some very early specs:
- real 6502 processor.
- 264kb RAM on RP2040.
- W65C02 from WDC can be overclocked up to 16Mhz also slow mode 1-2mhz
- DVI/HDMI so that you can connect it to your home TV or modern monitor.
- support for a modern USB keyboard
- PSG sound synthesizer like the popular C64 SID
- the power supply should be via a USB-C
- UEXT connector with modern interfaces like UART, I2C, SPI.
- disk storage for code.
- the 6502 bus should be available on a slot/connector(cartridge) so that additional hardware can be easily added on
- 2MB of external SPI flash to hold the firmware (firmware/OS/BASIC)


Maybe we can suggest/modding RP2040 firmware:
- use pokey instead of SID (or external UEXT card)
- 2x ATARI joystick

To have 14mhz 30Euro hybrid ATARI/NEO6502 

Or we can just port games from ATARI 800.

Or connect it to cartridge port use as turbocard/320x240x256 or 640x480/16colors graphics card.

Edited by Matej
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So Olimex has made first prototype. 

The board size is only 80×55 mm but do not be fooled this is complete 6502 computer with:
- wdc w65c02 14mhz!!! cpu
- HDMI output
- USB host for keyboard
- Audio output on 3.5mm jack
- Small speaker
- UEXT connector with +3.3V, GND, I2C, SPI, UART6502 BUS 40 pin connector with all 6502 signals on it!
- RP2040 with 2MB Flash to handle all software defined peripherals and RAM


Here is blog:

Facebook Group:

If You are 6502 or RP2040 coder You can help with development and get board sooner.

I can imagine play some Atari game conversions on it. Or plug it into cartridge port and use it as turbocard / gpu...



Edited by Matej
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