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U1M not reading Config.sys


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Long story, but PC trashed itself, clean build (still not really working great) but

Luckily I keep all my Atari stuff on a separate SSD so everything is intact except

for the Altirra configuration which is kept in the registry by default (lesson learned there)


Anyway I have got Altirra going now with U1M/SIDE3/USD 1050 etc. but I have one issue

when I boot it will not read the CONFIG.SYS file on my boot drive, I have an AUTOEXEC.BAT

file on the boot drive and it processes that which is really odd.


I've checked the settings on my 130XE/U1M/SIDE3 setup which uses the same setup/files

and that's working normally


I copied the CONFIG.SYS file to D1: and point U1M to that, I see that it accesses D1: during

boot, but still no processing of CONFIG.SYS




What am I missing (probably something very obvious) ? here's a few screen shots of the setup








During boot as you can see CONFIG.SYS has not been acted upon, should see some devices

being loaded



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2 hours ago, flashjazzcat said:

You mean D9:? SDX's default drive is D9:, so the CONFIG.SYS setting is plainly working.


Side-note: '.SYS' is the assumed extension for DEVICE entries if none is given.

When it didn't seem to work, although I realise it must be accessing D9: as the AUTOEXEC.BAT worked,

I copied the config.sys to D1: and changed the boot drive in U1M to D1: and config.sys to D1:, didn't copy

autoexec.bat, so when it booted, just SDX messages nothing else.


Still scratching my head on this one.


This is the config.sys that I've been using for a couple of years, the only thing that's changed

is having to reconfigure Altirra.


Nothing in config.sys is being acted upon, no messages about FATFS/PCLINK etc. loading

and my PATH is just CAR: 

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1 minute ago, flashjazzcat said:

I'm getting a dim, distant memory from the past. Disable 'Fast Boot' in the Altirra settings.


You are the MAN!!! 🥰😍🤩 the moment I read that the penny dropped from when I first started using Altirra


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3 hours ago, flashjazzcat said:

I'm getting a dim, distant memory from the past. Disable 'Fast Boot' in the Altirra settings.


Welcome to the club! Bulbs that burned more brightly, in cases have dimmed more quickly. Take action now to correct this, or it can become nigh impossible to reverse. You don't want to get pissed at yourself later, trust in that. Feed your brain and it's constituent path and parts.

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1 hour ago, _The Doctor__ said:

Welcome to the club! Bulbs that burned more brightly, in cases have dimmed more quickly. Take action now to correct this, or it can become nigh impossible to reverse. You don't want to get pissed at yourself later, trust in that. Feed your brain and it's constituent path and parts.

I assume that's an attempt at humour, since the rambling, stream-of-consciousness club is not one I have any desire to join. The fact I was able to solve the problem quickly by retrieving from memory an extremely obscure piece of information not discussed for some years suggests there's nothing wrong with my long-term memory even if - like most other middle-aged people - I once in a while get to the top of the stairs and wonder why I climbed them in the first place.

Edited by flashjazzcat
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It was for the exercise! Subconsciously you knew you needed to get the blood flowing! :)

When you realized you were at the top of the stairs and didn't remember why you climbed them, you already joined said club and you didn't know it!


Edited by _The Doctor__
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2 minutes ago, TGB1718 said:

and just to top that, I just got Eclipse/Wudsn IDE working, couldn't download, there seems to be an issue there

but copied some file off an old backup

I've taken to keeping a backup on the server of both the Eclipse installation folder and the workspace folder(s); this way, after a fresh OS install, I can be up and running just by copying those folders back.

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