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Thank you for the help so far.


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But a recent adventure with a cardiac surgeon's scalpel has me thinking of some more immediate things that need doing.  I mean if I get to the point where an occupational therapist, gets in here I won't have much say in what goes or stays.  They just adjust your home and contents to make you safe.  I won't forget the group and will either be back for and hopefully with more help or to find new homes for some of my old things.


Again, this ii a wonderful group

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7 hours ago, kenp said:

hopefully with more help or to find new homes for some of my old things.

Hope you get over this and continue to enjoy the things that make you happy.


I suppose it's a fact of life as we get a bit older things start to "break", I've not

reached that point yet thankfully, but I have been thinking of reducing the amount of

Atari gear that I have.


Probably will move my ST's on later this year as I don't really use them that much these

days as there's no room inside for them, they live in the Garage on a table.


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Good Luck and all the best for your health! Have been thinking to sell my ST stuff as well. Kids say „if it has a mouse it’s not so different from modern stuff“, I haven‘t used it in years. Just need to make sure there’s no personal data left on them. 

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1 hour ago, TGB1718 said:

Forgot about the Jag 😆 that will have to go too, that's still in it's box

Don't sell the Jag!  Keep it forever!  ;) I've still got my original Jag I bought in 1994 from HMV - boxed with manual.  I used to have a Jag CD unit. Sold it around 20years ago for maybe £100. They are now worth £1000-1500 boxed on average. Doh!



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1 hour ago, Beeblebrox said:

They are now worth £1000-1500 boxed on average. Doh!

I had no idea, last time I looked (some time ago) they were going for about £250.


I've got 5 game for it too, will have a look on FLeabay and see what's the current rate :)


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22 minutes ago, TGB1718 said:

I had no idea, last time I looked (some time ago) they were going for about £250.


I've got 5 game for it too, will have a look on FLeabay and see what's the current rate :)


That's the going rate range for the boxed JagCD unit on it's own BTW.  If you sell a Jaguar and a Jag CD unit you'd be talking nearer £2k.


Average cost (last I looked) for a boxed Jaguar on it's own with a PSU and controller and a few games might be £250-400. (Boxed really ramps up the cost). Standard rate for a Jaguar on it's own with maybe just a power supply, maybe a controller, but no games is £120-180

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Don't like this thread...got a big lump of regret building again for getting rid of my original jag, bought from Rumbelows, I added a Cd a few months later.  Showed Doom to a friend at the time, convinced him to get one too.  I added a jaglink so we had a few death match sessions.  I ended up trading it in for a psx and I still regret it.

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I went through this in July of 2020. After working nearly 39 years as a respiratory therapist at OLOW Hospital,

I was forced to take time off for a R.hip replacement, followed by a L.hip replacement (titanium man!). I fully

intended to return to work and stay until I was 65 but compensating how I walked due to the hip problems also

caused a suspected pinched nerve at L5 and now I have neuropathy (fun stuff). Anyway, all of that led up to me

selling a bunch of 8bit, ST, Falcon and Jaguar stuff, software and hardware. It was duplicates, and even sometimes

triplicates, but I thinned out my Atari stock drastically. Simply because I was concerned that if things got worse

a lot of this stuff might get thrown out. I sleep better at night knowing that it's in use by fellow Atarians.


@six - tell your kids they are wrong. The ST is much, much different than "modern" systems.  :)


PS I'm 61 now if anyone is curious.


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2 hours ago, DarkLord said:

I was forced to take time off for a R.hip replacement, followed by a L.hip replacement (titanium man!).

Man, so young to have those issues, I have back issues too (probably over 20 years now) so I know your pain

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18 hours ago, Ray Gillman said:

I went through that with my family as well.  Docs: We gave you a new heart valve so you should have an extra 7 years of life now.  Me: Wow that is an oddly specific number - Seven huh?!  Not six and not eight?

It's all an odds game.  some less, some more.  last day in the hospital a 90 year old whose last surgery was about 30 years ago was making the rounds handing out heart shaped support pillows for the cracked open sternums.  heard of redos even of some work.

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20 hours ago, TGB1718 said:

Man, so young to have those issues, I have back issues too (probably over 20 years now) so I know your pain


Well, Dr. Royalty put it like this, "You can't work 12.5 hour night shifts, for almost 39 years on concrete floors,

without paying a price".    :)


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