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Through early morning fog I see...

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Frank Cohen is one of my heroes. There's ambiance to spare in his games: super quirky and always combined with a great sense of humor.


My sister and I literally digged Ghost Chaser back in 86/87 (thanks to this compilation).


I can't stop thinking of his M*A*S*H* being the opposite example of the 2600 -> A8 conversion of Pitfall II.


In the case of Pitfall II, Mike Lorenzen took the 2600 code, ported it to the 800 and then added the extra level not seen elsewhere (5200 excepted but correct me if I'm wrong).


For M*A*S*H*, Frank Cohen was doing the opposite: code a proto on the 800 and then port it onto the 2600.


There must be other examples which took place during that era (82-85). Probably not at ATARI Inc. but among third parties.

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I gave it a quick go (without researching what I was supposed to do first)

It seems pretty simplistic - pick up the sick guys and avoid certain things while transporting them to a bed.

Of course we have to give leeway to anything that's proto/beta which this obviously is.

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