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The "Atari 400/800 Tech Reference Notes" PDF, now with a PDF Table of Contents


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Hello everybody,


I have started to make a 2nd pass at the entire Technical Reference Notes PDF, this time I am adding a lot more document bookmarks in the Table of Contents (ToC) structure for all of the documents that make up this PDF.  Just to set expectations, it's probably going to take a minimum of a month or two to finish adding all of the ToC links in this pass of the document.


I have uploaded an updated PDF file to the first post in this thread, look for the PDF linked at the bottom of that post.


I've started to add the upload date to the filename, so that the most current version of this document is now:




I have basically added document bookmarks to the ToC for all sections and figures in the "Operating System User's Manual", up to and including Section 5.  No other changes were made to the PDF.  A full list of ToC changes are inside this spoiler;


Changes to "Atari Technical Reference Notes" PDF, as of 2023-06-20

  - "Operating System User's Manual"

    - Fixed the ToC link to the Index page
    - Added new ToC links
      - Front Cover
      - Copyright page
      - List of Appendices

      - 1 - Introduction
        - Copyright page
        - Atari Home Computer Block Diagram
      - 2 - Operating System Functional Description

        - Interrupt Processing
        - Initialization
          - Power-Up
          - [SYSTEM.RESET]
      - 3 - Configurations
        - Program Environments
          - Blackboard Mode
          - Cartridge
          - Diskette Boot
          - Cassette-Boot
        - RAM Expansion
        - Peripheral Devices
          - Game Controllers
          - Program Recorder
        - Serial Bus Devices
      - 4 - System Memory Utilization
        - RAM Region
        - Page 0
        - Page 1
        - OS Data Base
        - User Workspace
        - Boot Region
        - Screen Display List and Data
        - Free Memory Region
        - Cartridges A and B
        - Mapped I/O
        - Resident OS and Floating Point Package ROM
        - Central Data Base Description
        - Memory Dynamics
          - System Initialization Process
          - Changing Screen Modes
      - 5 - I/O Subsystem
        - Figure 5-1. I/O Subsystem Structure Flow Diagram
        - Central I/O Utility
          - CIO Design Philosophy
          - Device Indepdendence
          - Data Access Methods
          - Multiple Device/File Concurrency
          - Unified Error Handling
          - Device Expansion
          - CIO Calling Mechanism
            - Figure 5-2. CIO Calling Mechanism
          - CIO Functions
            - OPEN
            - CLOSE
            - GET CHARACTERS
            - PUT CHARACTERS
            - GET RECORD
            - PUT RECORD
            - GET STATUS
            - SPECIAL
            - Implied OPEN Option
            - Device/Filename Specification
          - I/O Example
            - Figure 5-3. An I/O Example
          - Device-Specific Information
            - Keyboard Handler (K:)
              - CIO Function Descriptions
                - OPEN
                - CLOSE
                - GET CHARACTERS and GET RECORD
                - GET STATUS
              - Theory of Operation
              - Figure 5-4. Keycode to ATASCII Conversion Table
            - Display Handler (S:)
              - Screen Modes
              - Text Mode 0
              - Text Modes 1 and 2
                - Figure 5-5. Text Modes 1 and 2
              - Grapics Modes (Modes 3 Through 11)
              - Split-Screen Configurations
              - CIO Function Descriptions
                - OPEN
                - CLOSE
                - GET CHARACTERS and GET RECORD
                  - Figure 5-6. Graphics Mode 3-11 GET Data Form
                - PUT CHARACTERS and PUT RECORD
                  - Figure 5-7. Graphics Mode 3-11 PUT Data Form
                - GET STATUS
                - DRAW
                - FILL
              - User-Alterable Data Base Variables
                - Cursor Position
                - Inhibit/Enable Visible Cursor Display
                - Text Margins
                - Color Control
              - Theory of Operation
                - Figure 5-8. Screen Display
            - Screen Editor (E:)
              - CIO Function Descriptions
                - OPEN
                - CLOSE
                - GET CHARACTER and GET RECORD
                - PUT CHARACTERS and PUT RECORD
              - User-Alterable Data Base Variables
                - Cursor Position
                - Enable/Inhibit of Control Codes in Text
            - Cassette Handler (C:)
              - CIO Function Descriptions
                - OPEN
                - CLOSE
                - GET CHARACTER and GET RECORD
                - PUT CHARACTERS and PUT RECORD
              - Theory of Operation
                - File Structure
            - Printer Handler (P:)
              - CIO Function Descriptions
                - OPEN
                - CLOSE
                - GET CHARACTER and GET RECORD
                - PUT CHARACTERS and PUT RECORD
            - Disk File Manager (D:)
              - Disk File Manager Error Statuses
              - CIO Function Descriptions
                - OPEN FILE
                - OPEN Input
                - OPEN Output
                - OPEN Append
                - OPEN Update
                - Device/Filename Specification
                - OPEN DIRECTORY
                - CLOSE
                - GET CHARACTERS and GET RECORD
                - PUT CHARACTERS and PUT RECORD
              - Special CIO Functions
                - NOTE
                - POINT
                - LOCK
                - UNLOCK
                - DELETE
                - RENAME
                - FORMAT
              - Theory of Operation
                - FMS Diskette Utilization
                - FMS Boot Record Format
                - Boot Process Memory Map
                - Volume Table of Contents (VTOC)
                - File Directory Format
                - FMS File Sector Format
              - Non-CIO I/O
              - Serial Bus I/O




Please let me know if you have any questions about the above.



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  • 2 months later...

Hello everybody,


I have finished adding page-level bookmarks for the entire "Operating System User's Manual" in the Atari 400/800 Technical Reference Notes.


The updated filename the first post in this thread is now:




Now I will start to work on the Operating System Source Listing, I plan on going back and redoing some of the existing bookmarks I added previously, and then try to add more bookmarks in general to that document.


Please let me know if you have any questions.



Edited by spicyjack
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