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Season 14 ~ Week 8 ~ Gold Medal Winner


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SF2 - 12,383


Great game! No notes (except to keep the score on the title screen lol)



SiU - 11


I like the concept; it is just so dang hard. Has that “one more (more like ten more) try” mentality. Once I learned that you can move your sheep a little...my score didn’t increase by much haha. 


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44 minutes ago, fakecortex said:

Great game! No notes (except to keep the score on the title screen lol)




After ~20 seconds on the title screen SF2 will demo a level, during which time the score for the prior game will be visible.

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A couple of interesting games this week. Sheep it up is fun, and feels like the sort of game you'd play on a phone even now to kill a few miuntes at a time.


As for Stay Frosty 2, frankly that is remarkable. A brilliant platform puzzler just crammed with nice touches. With 32k and a DPC chip, this is just about imaginable as a very late commercial release for the system, and I think if I'd played this in late 1989 or 1990, I'd be dusting off my 2600 at that point so I could go buy a copy (even though I had an Amiga by that point). It's just so cleverly done, with a balance of different gameplay dynamics, and the music provides a great atmosphere too. I'm even tighter for time this week than usual, so doubt I'll have time to do this one justice a part of the competition, but I'll definiteltly be coming back to this one again in future.


Anyway, that's enough fromme, here are some scores




Stay Frosty 2_1.png

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Stay Frosty 2: 27218

Sheep It Up: 18


Both of these are pretty fun! Stay Frosty 2, that was only my 2nd attempt and did fairly well after I understood things a bit better. Sheep It Up definitely has that "one more try" feeling with it and wish I had more time to do attempts. Maybe on Sunday. Bonus: Sheep It Up does thing weird warping thing on the top when I was running it through my capture card (RGB modded 2600, component out, capture). Was fine on my CRT, so didn't really effect my gameplay.



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5 minutes ago, McCallister said:

After a week long vacation, I finally found a couple moments to play. Unfortunately, couldn’t shake off all the rust. For those new to Stay Frosty 2, it’s a game that rewards repeated plays, so hopefully you find it a game worthy to add to your rotation.


SF2: 275,556

I was wondering when you were going to show up and blow us all away! I'm obviously nowhere near the level you're at, but I agree about the repeated plays. Every time I get to level 10 I chuckle a little at how much trouble I had with it at first. Now I can pretty consistently make it to level 13 without losing a life.

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