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Wikipedia like engine in ATARI BASIC (by ChatGPT)


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10 hours ago, pirx said:

se it quite often to write simple data transformation subroutines in python.

I've found it quite good at python as well - not completely surprising, since python is sort of the "lingua franca" of machine learning.

Speaking of which, why do we keep calling these systems AI. They aren't making decisions. There isn't a neural net in there. It's an incredibly sophisticated front end to document store. Ah well.


11 hours ago, MrTrust said:

The thing I don't understand is why, if you are a programmer and you do know what you're doing, why bother with this thing at all? 

As Pirx said, it's a tool. It's good to be on top of the latest tools no matter how long you've been programming. In narrow cases I might use it, for math problems it does pretty well ("Using <code language>, describe the power required to operate a vehicle at <x> KPH with a weight of <y> and a coefficient of drag of <z>"). It's pretty good at those - and since they are deterministic equations, easy to verify.

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One thing you could always do is try to correct the mistakes and teach the AI how to program in Atari BASIC. The last time I messed around with ChatGPT I was able to teach it to write a program to play a couple songs (it only played 6 notes each) and to draw a "cat" and house. The cat was just a mess of lines but the house came out as a box with a triangle roof so I call that a success. For the song I had to teach it how the sound command was formatted and show it a list of all the notes. By default it tried to use midi values for notes. For the pictures I had to teach it the Atari graphics commands and graphics modes. Unfortunately after about an hour it forgot everything I taught it probably because I reached some limit.

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Yes will correct code. Its not so bad as concept. Will post here progress. But when I asked to read wikipedia about Atascii it really did. So it is possible to teach it in some way. But never will have nuances as real human Atari coder but for sketches, concepts it is very good. So will try updade code. But will be few days trekking in nature.

Edited by Matej
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On 6/16/2023 at 6:30 PM, Stephen said:

AI will be the end of us.  But it won't be in a SkyNet, sentient robots killing us.  This is just the next chapter in the Idiocracy chapter.  People will continue to get dumber and rely more on stupid auto-generated crap until innovation stops, then repairs of existing tech stop.



To wit, I bet 7/10 people cannot recite the 10 most used phone numbers in their cell phone from memory. Number called most days are a complete mystery without a digital leash, and forget repairing it or even changing out the battery.

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