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Hacking suggestions for Hawkquest - for anyone up for it?


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I couldn't see the text entry area for starting this new topic, so I just have to start it off here.


I do have suggestions for anyone up to the task of making the Hawkquest game more playable, and more fun to play.  They go from in-depth hacking into the game, to the simpler quick hack, which I'll list at the very end.  I do suggest using the latest hack update to the game, that is the Joy 2B updated one, in that topic header, that is games hacked to using the Joy 2B, 2 button joystick.


In depth hacks.

Main Game.  It would be nice to have the cursor able to detect the hidden targets present in the landscape.  I don't know if this is possible with the hardware limitation present?  It'll require special programming for this to be possible, if at all?  Hitting/bombing the hidden targets are essential in order to reach the very end of the screens, that is the entry to the Secondary Game.

Secondary Game.  A nice addition/modification would be, that at around 10 lives remaining it would be helpful to know this.  So maybe have the lower text window flashing Yellow?  And when down to 3? lives for it to flash Red.  Perhaps a pause needs to be added for when you are hit because you don't want to lose lives in quick succession. 


Quick hacks.

The most obvious one is to have extra lives at the very start of the game.  Unlimited lives as such.

A nice hack would be for the lives counter to count off how many lives you are using, so that you'll have some idea of when you are getting better at playing the game, by knowing how many lives you are taking up to reach the end.

The same kind of hack for the Secondary Game because you do need a ton of lives in order the solve the maze you have to go through and pick up the essential items to complete each level.


The programmer did think about someone hacking into the game to make it easier, and to make it not so easy for them to do it.


I did make available a playing guide, which I think is still available at






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