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Tandon 810 won't boot or format


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18 hours ago, dukes909 said:

Sorry, I don't follow what you're asking here!


Regarding extension wire screening, perhaps wrapping the extension wires in metal foil grounded to the chassis would help with any interference?


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Update #2 - RESOLUTION!!!


The new old drive came in and I swapped out each board one by one. ALL of the boards on my 2 original non-working 810's were good! 


What was bad - the Tandon drive mechanism.  I tried the drive mechanism in each of my non-working 810's with everything else being the same and both work flawlessly.  🤩


I am ordering a second "new" Tandon drive mechanism to get the 2nd 810 back in working order.  What a ride!  All that troubleshooting and I had it resolved in less than 10 minutes with a single good working drive. 


I suppose there is no way to fix the old Tandon mechanisms. Actually, nevermind, I don't even want to attempt that. I will put them up on eBay for sale as "parts or non-working". 🤪


THANKS to everyone who chimed in here to help me try and troubleshoot this.

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