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Commodore 64x build...........

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Here is my take on the Commodore 64x case build. 

Although I would still like what they offer see their link: https://myretrocomputer.com/

they are moving along with these products

While collecting parts for this build , I just wanted a case to test out and setup the OS and figure all that out:

So I  decided to get a case to sort of look like a Commodore Tape Drive and build around that.

This is not a high end build because I'm mainly running Commodore Vision Beta version / c64forever / OS Amiga with AmiKIt .....not yet installed

I'm waiting on some badges to finish, pretty happy with this build. oh the color is a matte beige type see can pics for details looks good.

some links to check out: https://www.c64forever.com/,https://www.amigaforever.com/,https://www.amikit.amiga.sk/











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