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Is there any way to remove the window frames on Rescue on Fractalus in emulator?


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Are the two vertical lines player/missile graphics the separate the 3 windows? If so is there a setting to remove just them in an emulator?


The status panel at the top is fine, the instrument panels on the bottom are fine. It's for an idea for a video I wanted to make to show just how much shows from the 70s could have benefitted from early 80s micro computer tech for their special effects. The two vertical lines will spoil the shots and 10x25fps would be a real pain to remove manually in a paint package!

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Player 0 and 1 do the windscreen struts.

The PMs are by single line DMA.


This applies to the disk animated intro version, others unknown.

The PM DMA at this point is 1-line and you can remove the bars by zeroing out the following locations:

$C30 - $C87 and $D30 - $D87.

Below that point they seem to be used for the curvature of the dashboard so potentially might be easily modifyable to alter that (ed - removing them completely will reveal graphical glitching where the curvature is so probably best left alone, but removing the bars is fine)

Edited by Rybags
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Commands from debug:

F C30 L57 0

F D30 L57 0


The windows look to be programatically generated, probably at the start of each new level so you'd have to do it just after the ship launches.

On the subject, HTF do you abort the demo?  I thought it was Esc but that does nothing in emulation.

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14 hours ago, Rybags said:

Commands from debug:

F C30 L57 0

F D30 L57 0


The windows look to be programatically generated, probably at the start of each new level so you'd have to do it just after the ship launches.

On the subject, HTF do you abort the demo?  I thought it was Esc but that does nothing in emulation.

This sounds like a winner, thanks :)


I think the emulator I use is Altira but this is a new PC and I haven't had a chance to copy my retro gaming backups onto this machine.

I haven't played it in a while so no idea how to get out of the demo, maybe one of the function keys like Start or Reset. I think it was those as the Function keys on this wireless keyboard are a pain to use when I run it on an emulator.

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Procedurally generated.  It's sort of weird.  During descent the starfield is done by using all the Players and the missiles form the screen bars.  But on the planet Player 0 and 1 form the bars.

This patch will remove the bars but it also screws up the instrument panel which isn't really acceptable:


e 3c5f a9 00



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