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OceanThrill Murder Mystery

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Hi. I'm kind of the new guy (I think I had an account on here many moons ago, when I was an avid Atari 2600 gamer. I don't remember for sure though).


I recently bought my first Atari ST. A very special Mega ST 4 with two built-in floppy drives that had previously belonged to a Siemens engineer who passed away in February.

This will be my first venture into the world of 16 bit Atari home computers and I'm quite excited about it.


My girlfriend, a friend of ours who is a very talented musician but also quite an apt coder, and I are currently working on our first commercial retro game.

The game is an interactive fiction (more commonly known as "text adventure") in the same vein as Infocom, Magnetic Scrolls, Level 9 and early Sierra Online titles.
There's some graphics but, overall, a lot will be left to the player's imagination.

OceanThrill Murder Mystery has a planned release date of Christmas 2023 (for the digital download. Physical boxes will be shipped to backers next year) and more info can be found on its Kickstarter campaign page:



Since I got ahold of an Atari ST sooner than I anticipated, an Atari ST port is pretty much a done deal even if we don't reach the stretch goal.

In addition to releasing on Atari ST(e), the game will also release on Amiga (I'm using Deluxe Paint and DPaint.js for all the graphics), DOS, modern PCs (Windows, GNU/Linux and MacOS) and Amstrad CPC/PCW.



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