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Sorbus Computer: self-built 65C02 based computer for ~$15

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In the last two months, I've created a self-built computer based upon the 65C02 and a RP2040 microcontroller only. Everything including PCBs and all code is open source.


The idea was to have a very simple system to teach about how the 65C02 works, as well as a platform to build very simple machines like the Apple Computer 1, which can already be mimicked. A bus system ensures that it's open for expansions.


An intended to be growing webpage has been set-up at https://xayax.net/sorbus/, all code is available at https://github.com/SvOlli/sorbus/

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Being a 2600 demo coder, this is definitely something that I want to try: a 2600 compatible machine that adds an ACIA, ROM for terminal software and some GALs for expanded address decoding, so a you could either get a machine with 63k of RAM also capable of running 2600 games.


But since there are also other project in the pipeline, I doubt it will happen within the next months...

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