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Reunited with my old OASIS BBS floppy disk!


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For the last few years, I’ve been researching and rescuing other people’s old disks. But recently Rob Sherman of Southern Amis BBS turned the tables and salvaged one of mine!




It's all thanks to Rob's "Don't Toss That Floppy!" project, born in response an ANTIC episode earlier this year that discussed what to do with hand-labeled, noncommercial disks. 


For my part, I am really grateful they imaged my disk. I unloaded all my 8-bit stuff 23 years ago to none other than Brad Arnold, and of course since then I've sometimes wished I had some of it back. I would think about that OASIS disk occasionally, especially while I was making ATASCII Tube, since that floppy was where I first encountered ATASCII animations.


Now that I have the disk back, it's been cool to read the BBS bulletins I customized, the messages I wrote, etc. And, to my surprise, the disk also contained three drafts of the first article I ever wrote for my junior high newsletter. The article included some historical details I had forgotten over the years. 


All in all, a very welcome surprise for the past. Keep it up, Rob!

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Definitely appreciate the kind words Josh! The circle of events around the floppies is certainly a great story and reminder of how great our Atari world can be.

From a preservation stand point it’s our responsibility to secure and protect these treasures + BBS’s. We are the last generation of Atari Users and going strong with hope of a next generation.




Edited by Amis
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3 hours ago, Amis said:

Definitely appreciate the kind words Josh! The circle of events around the floppies is certainly a great story and reminder of how great our Atari world can be.

From a preservation stand point it’s our responsibility to secure and protect these treasures + BBS’s. We are the last generation of Atari Users and going strong with hope of a next generation.




I need a boot to the ass so I can finally scrub some personal info (home address, phone number, checking account numbers as funny as that may seem) then post my Genie screen captures from early 1988.  I'd also like to post my old list of BBSes.  I'm assuming it is OK to post phone numbers from 1987 through 1989, or should I just post the names and maybe just area code and 1st 3 numbers?  What's the general consensus on this?

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