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Does Incognito allow to emulate Omnimon/RAMROD?


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While Incognito certainly has enough storage for the Omnimon code, does the firmware support it as well (or are there any plans to add it in the future, @candle, @flashjazzcat)?




Questions applies equally to the various iterations of Omnimon and Colleen/XL mode.


P.S.: BTW, what about U1MB and Omnimon? 

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20 hours ago, Rybags said:

For Omnimon in XL mode it should be no problem.

For 800 Omnimon, don't you need Rom available at $C000-CFFF ?


Then there's QMeg as well, isn't that XL mode and at least 192K of extended Ram at $4000-7FFF

I think 800 Omnimon resides at $C000-CFFF but can Incognito “put”/simulate ROM there?

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