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Season 14 ~ Week 14 ~ Stampede


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6 hours ago, Atarian7 said:

I remember hearing that the herding technique doesn't work anymore once you reach about 35 to 36 thousand.   So is that about the maximum score you got there , @nads?

Yeah that’s correct!

When you get to the eighth herd the doggies don’t move forward anymore when touch them.


So 36k to 37k is generally it, however a score of 40k has been by achieved, done by @OldManG.

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9 hours ago, nads said:

Yeah that’s correct!

When you get to the eighth herd the doggies don’t move forward anymore when touch them.


So 36k to 37k is generally it, however a score of 40k has been by achieved, done by @OldManG.

@nads, I notice that you will clear the field sometimes. It seems like you do it every 5,000 or so points? 🤷‍♂️ How do you know exactly when to do that or that it's okay to do it without getting like 3 Black Angus' coming at you all at once? 

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11 hours ago, Rickster8 said:

@nads, I notice that you will clear the field sometimes. It seems like you do it every 5,000 or so points? 🤷‍♂️ How do you know exactly when to do that or that it's okay to do it without getting like 3 Black Angus' coming at you all at once? 

When I clear all the herd it’s because it’s at the end of that wave/herd.

I can tell by the pattern of doggies, 3 spaced out evenly.

I’ll clear the bottom first where there is only the one black Angus then the top where there is 2.


Doing it this way sets me up for the next herd.

If I try to get them all at once they will come back all at once.


The only time I’ve done this differently is just before the 8th herd, to see if it will help me get more points and time between the bottom group and top.

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Another great game this week. I had this in my small collection of carts when I was a kid, although I got it as something of an afterthought. For some reason, I really wanted Laser Blast having played it at a friends house (you'd think having played Laser Blast would be a sure fire way to not want to buy it, but it had the opposite affect on me . . . .probably because I could actually reach the patch score at it). The only way we could find to get it was as a "twin pack" with this other game called Stampede. Given the twin pack was still cheaper than many games individually, we bought it and saw Stempede as a kind of freebie.


Once we'd played them both for a bit though, it was clear that Stampede was in fact by far the better of the two games. For a 2k game it really is fantastic. The graphics do the job and manage to be realtively apealing. And while rudimentary, the sound works well enough. The gameplay itself is the very definition of "easy play, hard to master" which is imho the halmark of most of the best 2600 games. You really wont last long just chasing everything, and having a strategy to "manage" the field is key to success (something I struggle to implement even though I get the idea 😂). It's just a wonderful example of early game design, where a very simple concept has been delivered superbly to deliver a remarkable game experience given the hardware available.


It's also interesting that @Absalon mentions this is one of a relatively smal number of games his Mother enjoyed. It was the same in our house, where my Mum (who generally had little interest in games) would enjoy sitting down and playing this one. I'm not sure . That memory gives me another good reason for me to enjoy this particular nostalgia trip.


Anyway, that's enough from me, here's a score :




Stampede (1981) (Activision).png

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Stampede: 2670


The thing I've noticed most is it can be near impossible it is to recover from a single mistake.  With most games, when you screw up, you lose a life, the game resets to a safe state, and you move on.  With this game, one mistake often screws you for the rest of the game no matter how many lives you have in reserve.




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9 hours ago, kermit73 said:

Stampede: 2670


The thing I've noticed most is it can be near impossible it is to recover from a single mistake.  With most games, when you screw up, you lose a life, the game resets to a safe state, and you move on.  With this game, one mistake often screws you for the rest of the game no matter how many lives you have in reserve.




Agreed.... It reminds me of Beauty and the Beast for Intellivision. You can be cruising along with 6 lives and then one mistake usually costs all 6 lives. We call it the 'rash of deaths'..... Like you mentioned (both) games just continue at a terrible place. There is no reprieve or let up. You just continue getting wailed on..... 🥺

Edited by Rickster8
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