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speech synthesizer with 32k memory expansion module - both working great separately - together the 32k module is detected by games by then they freeze with garbled sound


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28 minutes ago, OLD CS1 said:

One of my two FG99s, even with the 1.Q firmware, simply does not like some expansions attached, or attached and turned off, &c.  For instance, it hates my PEB on a QI console, but is fine on an original console.  It hates the CC9900 MES turned off, but is fine with it on.  It sometimes just hates, and I deal with it.  I may have to try that GROM test.

The GROM test tests all the address spaces for the expansion GROMs 3-7, and I guess the larger cart firmware with more than one GROM in them were the ones that were failing pretty frequently for whatever reason. I haven't really poked around the CPLD source/changes to understand why it made a difference, but it definitely did.

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It may be related to power.. perhaps the vr in the fg99 is not getting enough to properly operate.  it has a 3v regulator as the chips on the board are 3v not 5v like the console..  it could be that when you put enough load on the sideport it just isn't enough with your power supply.. 

There is a way to remove a line on the power supply to 'up the output' which is documented in a add-on for the keyboard interface from Whtech:


Next, remove the console power supply and locate the jumpers labeled W1
throught W4 (near the switch) . These are the voltage trimming strap. Cut ALL
FOUR straps to trim the voltage to the new load. One or more straps may already
be cut.

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32 minutes ago, arcadeshopper said:

It may be related to power.. perhaps the vr in the fg99 is not getting enough to properly operate.  it has a 3v regulator as the chips on the board are 3v not 5v like the console..  it could be that when you put enough load on the sideport it just isn't enough with your power supply.. 

There is a way to remove a line on the power supply to 'up the output' which is documented in a add-on for the keyboard interface from Whtech:


Next, remove the console power supply and locate the jumpers labeled W1
throught W4 (near the switch) . These are the voltage trimming strap. Cut ALL
FOUR straps to trim the voltage to the new load. One or more straps may already
be cut.

Are there any other calibration steps you need to do? I checked voltages on my supply and they seemed to be right on, but I can't recall if I looked at them with the FG99 plugged in.

I have noticed that the GROM bus is really noisy on both consoles I've checked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@OLD CS1 good, thanks. Last night, I decided to take apart the faulty SS and check it out w/ the schematic and meter. Everything checked out and w/o the case it worked great w/ the memory expansion - now have voice on Pinball99. Re-assembled, retried, failed again. Checking closer, turns out a short was occurring on the header pins of the memory module plug where the memory module plugs on. I suspect it was caused by the copper retention clip/guide but may have been one of the RF shields contacting the board. I decided to just leave that and upper and lower RF shields off the board, re-assembled, looks and works great now. BTW just for the tshooting record on this one, after the fix, the SS + memory module work fine both with or w/o using the external power adapter on the memory module, probably just over taxing the TI PS to not use the adapter. Only difference is the red LED is on w/ the adapter and off w/o it.


Edited by netmosis
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@netmosis Awesome!  I am very happy to hear that you have a fully working system now.  This is very exciting.  Let me know when you are ready to start making carts (if you decide to eschew the FG99 for some games) -- as we discussed at VCF, your Pinball99 cart has a 512k red board and the Winbond 512k (8x64k) flash EPROM, so you just need the "burner."  I love these Winbonds as there is no UV eraser necessary.  (Of course, with Pinball99, half of the module is wasted with a second copy as the game is only 256k.  This has to be done as the cartridge starts up in an unknown state, thus you never know what bank comes up first.)

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2 hours ago, OLD CS1 said:

@netmosis Awesome!  I am very happy to hear that you have a fully working system now.  This is very exciting.  Let me know when you are ready to start making carts (if you decide to eschew the FG99 for some games) -- as we discussed at VCF, your Pinball99 cart has a 512k red board and the Winbond 512k (8x64k) flash EPROM, so you just need the "burner."  I love these Winbonds as there is no UV eraser necessary.  (Of course, with Pinball99, half of the module is wasted with a second copy as the game is only 256k.  This has to be done as the cartridge starts up in an unknown state, thus you never know what bank comes up first.)

That's a great idea, what EPROM flasher would u recommend?

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On 8/16/2023 at 6:46 PM, OLD CS1 said:

@netmosis Awesome!  I am very happy to hear that you have a fully working system now.  This is very exciting.  Let me know when you are ready to start making carts (if you decide to eschew the FG99 for some games) -- as we discussed at VCF, your Pinball99 cart has a 512k red board and the Winbond 512k (8x64k) flash EPROM, so you just need the "burner."  I love these Winbonds as there is no UV eraser necessary.  (Of course, with Pinball99, half of the module is wasted with a second copy as the game is only 256k.  This has to be done as the cartridge starts up in an unknown state, thus you never know what bank comes up first.)

Also, if you need cartridge boards to make cartridges of your own, I sell assembled Red boards, and @arcadeshopper is another place to get them. I also sell them as bare boards if you want to assemble and test them yourself. I also have a board variant using different chips to regulate the bank switching that always starts in the first bank. I have to do a check on that design to see if it supports the flash chips or if I need to update it for them. . .as I haven't looked at that board design in a while.


On EPROM burners, the TL-866 is out of production, but the T48 or T56 programmers from XGECU are the current-generation replacements. Beware, the links I put here are to the original manufacturer's store on eBay (guaranteed original product at a very good price)--but when I when hunting today I saw a LOT of auctions for the same items from other sources, and those other sources are more often than not, counterfeits. I personally have both one of the older TL866 programmers and the newer T56. I like them both. The T48 has fewer bells and whistles, but it is still a very good programmer.

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On 8/21/2023 at 12:53 AM, Ksarul said:

Also, if you need cartridge boards to make cartridges of your own, I sell assembled Red boards, and @arcadeshopper is another place to get them. I also sell them as bare boards if you want to assemble and test them yourself. I also have a board variant using different chips to regulate the bank switching that always starts in the first bank. I have to do a check on that design to see if it supports the flash chips or if I need to update it for them. . .as I haven't looked at that board design in a while.


On EPROM burners, the TL-866 is out of production, but the T48 or T56 programmers from XGECU are the current-generation replacements. Beware, the links I put here are to the original manufacturer's store on eBay (guaranteed original product at a very good price)--but when I when hunting today I saw a LOT of auctions for the same items from other sources, and those other sources are more often than not, counterfeits. I personally have both one of the older TL866 programmers and the newer T56. I like them both. The T48 has fewer bells and whistles, but it is still a very good programmer.

Thanks, where do you sell your Red boards?

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