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Bump n jump.


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Bump n' Jump was one of my favorite Atari 2600 games when I was younger but sadly I sold at a yard sale many years ago. :( I need to get another copy of it here at some point. Anyway...obviously the graphics aren't up to par with the arcade version, but the gameplay is basically the same (i.e. very addictive) and as I recall some of the boards were quite challenging...I think I'd give it an 8/10 overall.

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The only problem is that the collision free bonus is WAY too easy to get.



That is a switch from the arcade! I have NEVER been able to get the bonus on the Midway version of it.



I own the 2600 Telegames version, but it won't fit into any of my Atari's. :( May have to "fix" that this weekend....gets out grinder...



Little know bit of trivia for y'all:


There was a DECO cabinet release of this arcade that the game actually loaded from a cassette player. Whoever thought that one up was clearly not thinking too far in the future!!!



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waitaminute!  You are upset that the jumps AREN'T predictable????  Where is the fun in a totally predictable game?  I'd say that is one of the game's strengths!


Ugh. If you're driving at 100 MPH and make a jump you should move just as far every time you jump if you jump from the same spot every time. This is how it works 1) in the real world and 2) in the arcade game this is based on.


The fun comes in dodging the cars, and trying to learn where to jump from and how fast you need to be going. This is the only way to get to the really high levels. But, on the 2600 it's impossible because it's not predictable.


I like the randomness in the paths of the other cars, but I sure don't like randomness in the jumps when there's no reason for it. It is NOT one of the game's strengths; it is a serious weakness.

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oh, I think I see, you are saying the DISTANCE you jump each time is not constant, despite a constant speed?


that would kind of suck. I thought you were referring to the actual area over which you had to jump. As in, not knowing when there was going to be an area you need to jump over! my bad. :)

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I've never had that jump problem impede my enjoyment of 2600 B&J at the higher levels. Maybe you just need to practice, daniel-son???


Please... You're talking to a guy who can roll the arcade game.

Practice at 2600 BnJ doesn't do any good because you can't learn

the jumps since THEY'RE NOT CONSISTENT!


oh, I think I see, you are saying the DISTANCE you jump each time is not constant, despite a constant speed?


Right! The jump is X meters... So you need to be travelling at a rate

of >= Y meters/s to make it. Only Y seems to vary. Sometimes 140 will clear a jump, but other times you need to be going at least 160. It's not consistent. Wouldn't be some bad if it were just a gap, but island jumping assures death with unpredictable jumps.


that would kind of suck.  I thought you were referring to the actual area over which you had to jump.  As in, not knowing when there was going to be an area you need to jump over!  my bad. :)


No, that you CAN learn with practice, which is why I'm (even to this day) pretty good at the arcade version. Heck, I wasn't too shabby at the NES version either, though I used the continue code to go all the way to the end rather than spend weeks of practice in getting there.

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