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Wico joysticks, what makes them better.


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I recently acquired my first Wico controller from a thrift shop. I do believe it was called the "command control". Anyway, I was pretty excited to try it out because many people seem to talk a lot about them. I must say, they are pretty sturdy, and are made in the U.S., which may be a plus for many. I would like to hear other AAers opinions regarding Wico joysticks; why they like them, etc. So please, share your thoughts.

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Well, Wico is a manufacturer of arcade controls, and these were basically an arcade mech in a plastic housing. My only problem was that I kept having breaks in the cords, so I'd go buy a joystick extension cord and rewire it. My all-time favorite budget stick is the Gemstik clone of the CX-40.



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I don't own any wico and I would prefer a joypad instaid of a joystick. I also know that the Sega Genesis controllers work on the 2600 but I bought some of those and didn't like them either. So I looked at atariage and found the mod for turning an NES controller into a 2600. So I have been making them for a while now and I will never go back to a joystick for anything. I sell them on ebay for a very reasonable price:




I know it doesn't have to do with wico but I had an opinion and I shared.


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Wico had a completely different mechanism, they used leaf-switches on their home sticks just like in the arcade.  This gives a much better response than the Atari-style joysticks.


Yup. They have a rubber centering device in the top, and leaf switches throughout.




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made in the U.S., which may be a plus for many


If you are a video game player, you can't be picky about "buying American."


I played a 2600 controller back in the day which seemed to be a clone of the Channel F controller, perhaps even made by Fairchild. Does anyone recall this?

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speaking of command control, my wico is real sensitive when you press up. it's really annoying on a game like frogger or pole position. any ideas of how to center it? the stick is slightly tilted toward "up"...I can tilt the whole wico unit by the base and move the frog up on frogger without even touching the stick.

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speaking of command control, my wico is real sensitive when you press up. it's really annoying on a game like frogger or pole position. any ideas of how to center it? the stick is slightly tilted toward "up"...I can tilt the whole wico unit by the base and move the frog up on frogger without even touching the stick.


I don't know about the stick being tilted forward, but I adjusted the sensitivity on my Wicos by simply bending the leaf springs to the desired distance from the inside of the stick mechanism. If you open it up, you'll probably find that the top spring is too close.

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... So I looked at atariage and found the mod for turning an NES controller into a 2600. So I have been making them for a while now and I will never go back to a joystick for anything. I sell them on ebay for a very reasonable price:




I'm thinking on buy maybe 2....do you have plenty, I only see the one there for sale.

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what's wrong Thomas?

:idea: The picture in your signature.


It is a general agreement at AA not to use them because they make reading the threads harder, increase the loading times and you have avatars anyway.


E.g. compare DP with AA, IMO AA is way better to follow.

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Yeah I know, but I'm not too far off from him in that regard. Classic gaming can be handled well enough with a joystick, but by Atari 7800 a joypad is clearly superior. You can't blame gamers used to NES, SNES, SMS, Genesis, and on forward for thinking a "joystick" is something that only belongs in an arcade.

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Yeah I know, but I'm not too far off from him in that regard.  Classic gaming can be handled well enough with a joystick, but by Atari 7800 a joypad is clearly superior.  You can't blame gamers used to NES, SNES, SMS, Genesis, and on forward for thinking a "joystick" is something that only belongs in an arcade.
I can and I do. :P


Seriously, I buy joysticks for my systems. I like having a good stick to wrap my hands around. And it DOES affect your performance.

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Wico Joystcks are just outstanding. Since they were made my an Arcade company, they can really take a beating. I'm still using my original set from the early 80's! :D


As for pads, they just don't work good with old game, like PacMan, and other such games where precision control is needed!.

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