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Acid Drop board?

Thomas Jentzsch

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Has anybody ever looked into Acid Drop? How does the board look like?


I am wondering because the dump is 16K which contains the same 8K twice. But it is not a simple F8 bankswitching overdump, because it uses F6 bankswitching hotspots only ($FFF6/7). So I wonder if they used a 16K board (seems more likely) or if Salu developed an own bankswitching and used 8K.

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They could have used an existing "F6" board design, but with an 8k eprom(or rom) instead of a 16K one (same pinout, except for the A13 pin which is unused on a 8k memory).


Then all four hotspots would work: $fff6 and $fff8 would both select the 1st bank and $fff7 and $fff9 would both select the second one. It would just be up to the programmer's preference which ones to use in the code.


Now I'm curious to see the board too!

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