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Newest "Atari" corporation buys AtariAge website


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Wow - that's interesting!  Congrats - all the best on a future with Atari!


This is a great resource, so I hope it stays intact.  My other experiences with forums that have been acquired did not yield an outcome desirable to me, but then I don't really matter.  


Keeping my fingers crossed that Atari leaves it all as is (and yes, even the "other" non-Atari system sections)

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6 minutes ago, rdefabri said:

Wow - that's interesting!  Congrats - all the best on a future with Atari!


This is a great resource, so I hope it stays intact.  My other experiences with forums that have been acquired did not yield an outcome desirable to me, but then I don't really matter.  


Keeping my fingers crossed that Atari leaves it all as is (and yes, even the "other" non-Atari system sections)

I will continue to run the site and forum as I have in the past, and it is extremely important to me that the forums remain as they are going forward.  Atari understands the forums here are a central nexus to the community and that there's a wealth of accumulated knowledge over the years.



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3 minutes ago, Ray Gillman said:

I see potential good in it.  When we say wish they would recreate new machines in the 130XE or Atari 1040 ST or the Amiga - these new owners are literally the only people who COULD do something like that. Imagine a 130 XE with USB ports on the side. It would sell.

I'd buy one!!  Although I'm partial to the 800XL. :)



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On 9/7/2023 at 7:14 PM, Albert said:

I'd buy one!!  Although I'm partial to the 800XL. :)



But if you had a chance to design a new 130XE (call it a 500XE) 2023 what features would you add? Built in Sata port like an ICD MIO built in? Stereo sound channels? Standard HDMI video output? USB ports? USB floppy plug in support? Turbo button to allow it to run 10X faster for crunching data or other applications which might benefit from a more responsive machine.

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On 9/7/2023 at 7:19 PM, DarkLord said:

I'd buy a new, re-imagined STacy.  :)


I really enjoyed my ST but in the end it was the Amiga that captured my attention.  Better sound, graphics, better multitasking - so many reasons the Amiga was the next generation 800 graduated to a 16 bit platform. There is a popular movement now for people to reengage with the Amiga using the Amiga Forever and Amiga Amikit12 (anyone tried this? considering buying it) https://www.amikit.amiga.sk/

Edited by Ray Gillman
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On 9/9/2023 at 11:45 AM, Ray Gillman said:

I really enjoyed my ST but in the end it was the Amiga that captured my attention.  Better sound, graphics, better multitasking - so many reasons the Amiga was the next generation 800 graduated to a 16 bit platform. There is a popular movement now for people to reengage with the Amiga using the Amiga Forever and Amiga Amikit12 (anyone tried this? considering buying it) https://www.amikit.amiga.sk/


Understood - to each their own. I owned 3 Amiga's over the years and sold them all.


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On 9/9/2023 at 11:42 AM, Ray Gillman said:

But if you had a chance to design a new 130XE (call it a 500XE) 2023 what features would you add? Built in Sata port like an ICD MIO built in? Stereo sound channels? Standard HDMI video output? USB ports? USB floppy plug in support? Turbo button to allow it to run 10X faster for crunching data or other applications which might benefit from a more responsive machine.

  • As long as we're expressing wish lists, here's mine:
  • Improved VBXE like or another solution offering HDMI with more sprites & scrolling (HW based or fast enough to do it in software). Support for bitmap and more colors via new graphics mode.
  • 2 to 4 megs of ram via DMA enabled bank switching
  • SD/USB to replace the SIO and PBI/ECI. Not much use for old hardware that are bound to fail, like floppy drives, tapes, printers & modem.
  • Internal wifi/ethernet connectivity or Fujinet
  • No need for an overpriced injection mold plastic case and custom mechanical keyboard, just give me the ability to remap a PC usb keyboard and a metal case with I/O cutout, I can even paint it myself.... Those plastic case and mech keyboard are driving the prices of those system way too high.
  • Modern FPGA based processor that use 6502 opcode, like the 65F02, but can run way, way faster (65F02 can go to 100mhz)... Heck, a multi "core" FPGA or an easy way to switch could also use other core and run as a Z80 or other just for the fun of it.
  • Built in Basic and Assembler/Editor/Debugger
  • Can host a "vanilla" hardware config for those wanting 100% original compatibility.


In short what I'm describing is a more up to date MISTer or Commander X16 like system that is more affordable than the many present day offering by removing the expensive case and keyboard design and production. Something new and fun that could be used to recapture the fun we had when we got a new computer before they all became "PC" compatible. I was interested in the Commander X16, but the raising price and lack of availability made me pause on the project. The Mega 65 is even worst at near $1k Canadian... 


Yeah, yeah, I get the whole "this is a hobby market, if you can't afford it move along...", but at one point this gets old and is a detriment to said hobby. 



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