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A thread of @BIGHMW's own


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@BIGHMW I would like to apologize to you if my attempt on joining in some friendly razzing was hurtful. I did not mean it in that way in the least.

I did not realize this was a private club that one had to have tenure and earn privilege to join in the tomfoolery.

Funny that @MrTrust is gatekeeping and saying I have to earn the right to express myself. I just bought 10,000 shares of Atari SA the other day? Do you own any @MrTrust? Should I say you don’t have a right to post certain things just because you down have an ownership stake in it?

Probably not.


All the best @BIGHMW. Again, I apologize for joshing you around :)

Edited by Mr Hudson
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11 minutes ago, Mr Hudson said:

friendly razzing

An interesting way to describe your disgusting and reprehensible posts. I have students as young as 10 trying to learn from the threads in this forum. Thank goodness your posts of this type are not in the programming section where they might see them.


I may not be a huge fan of the subject of this thread, but the thread does serve a purpose. At least I'm compassionate enough about a fellow human to keep any dark thoughts out of the public eye. Your posts are beyond the pale and you should be ashamed of them. No need to shut down a thread because you got called out for immature bullying.


And good on @BIGHMW for rising above it.

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15 minutes ago, Mr Hudson said:

Ever hear of assuming positive intent @MrTrust?


Yes.  It's something one does with friends, which you are not.


13 minutes ago, Mr Hudson said:

Also @MrTrust with all due respect, do not ever tell me what I can and cannot do again. It’s not your place, or my place to tell anyone how they can and cannot act.



Lol, or else what, tough guy?


Anyway, apparently you have trouble with reading comprehension.  I didn't tell you to do or not to do anything.  I'm explaining to you why people don't have a problem with x=usr and do have a problem with you doing it.  If you don't want to listen, that's your business.  Don't be surprised or act all wounded when people tell you what you can and should do to yourself.


15 minutes ago, Mr Hudson said:

I did not realize this was a private club that one had to have tenure and earn privilege to join in the tomfoolery.

Funny that @MrTrust is gatekeeping and saying I have to earn the right to express myself. I just bought 10,000 shares of Atari SA the other day? Do you own any @MrTrust? Should I say you don’t have a right to post certain things just because you down have an ownership stake in it?


Haha, what is that, a $1.5k stake?  Goodness, I hope Wade took you out to a nice dinner for that, you high roller, you.


Yes, this is a private club.  There's a negligible barrier to entry as there is with most clubs, but there are social currencies, and one of them is tenure, which you ain't got.  So, go ahead and join in the tomfoolery all you want, pal, clearly it isn't being appreciated, and you're not going to argue your way into it being so.  You can't buy respect and good will, of which you do not seem to have either here, and I'm just informing you of why.  Again, don't want to listen?  Your problem.  

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1 minute ago, Mr Hudson said:

@bent_pin I accept responsibility for it. I assume you are just as disgusted with the others in the thread that piggybacked off of those comments as well?

Or do they get a pass because of their “privilege”?

I take issue with anyone who would sexualize inanimate objects or insinuate that others would do so. I also take issue with bullying. Just because you cannot see my comments about such, do not assume that I haven't said anything. Remember what the teacher said when you tried that argument in grade school, "I'm not talking about their actions to you nor them about yours, I'm talking to you about you."


Please consider deleting any comment that you wouldn't want your mother to read.

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You are such a wise sage @bent_pin.

Your “social elite” club must feel very proud to have you.

I never stated that I possess even a remotely large amount of shares. I think it’s safe to say by your writing that you are intelligent to know the point I was trying to make.
This is the last reply I will be providing to you, though I am sure you will want the last word. Just know that I won’t be reading it.


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23 minutes ago, Mr Hudson said:

I never stated that I possess even a remotely large amount of shares. I think it’s safe to say by your writing that you are intelligent to know the point I was trying to make.


The fact that you tried to make it by citing a stake in Atari shows you don't get the point I was making to you, and apparently still don't.


This isn't a community, but it is a simulacrum of one, and it does operate in similar ways.  We know what x=usr's motivations were.  We don't know what yours are, and, no, sorry, you're not getting the benefit of the doubt off the bat like that.  Maybe you deserve it, but that's just not going to happen; it isn't how people operate.  The same exact words sound different coming out of two different people's mouths.  Just the way it is.


This is why this thread is useful, by the way.  Ray is a longtime member of the simulacrum.  He's not very stable and does a lot of annoying things, and people tend to lose their patience with him, but because he's been around forever and is a nice enough guy (plus a lot of what he does isn't really his fault on account of his disabilities), people also feel protective over him, and these sides can shift back and forth.  I see people in here being pretty harsh on the dude who've in the past PMed me to ease up on him, and I've gone both ways as well.  So, any time Ray involves himself in a thread, whether he wants or intends it or not, the thread tends to devolve into arguments about him rather than whatever he's talking about or the original subject of the thread in question.



This is the last reply I will be providing to you, though I am sure you will want the last word. Just know that I won’t be reading it.


Oh yes you will.  No need to pretend.

Edited by MrTrust
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Been working out of town this week on a very irregular schedule, and just haven't had the time to reply properly.  Seems like a good time to clear the air somewhat.


On 10/5/2023 at 3:44 PM, MrTrust said:

He has 10+ years in and 7,000 posts.  You don't.  He's got a history with Ray wherein he's actually tried to materially help him with his personal problems in meat space.  You don't.  It's not being a hypocrite for one person to exercise a privilege another person hasn't earned.

And one thing related to this that I believe @Mr Hudson is overlooking:

On 9/28/2023 at 8:45 PM, Mr Hudson said:

@x=usr(1536) this is by far the best forum post I have ever seen!! @BIGHMW has his own little slice of AA where we can read all his hilarious content.


I heard the official launch party will be broadcast live from Bishops Park Studio Complex

NOTHING about this thread was an invitation to shit on him.  Period.  Yeah, there are people here who have a history with Ray, but that doesn't mean that it's OK for you to roll on in, try to shit on him because it looks like a popular thing to do, and then get all butthurt when you're called out for picking on him.  Remember when you said the following:

On 10/4/2023 at 8:20 AM, Mr Hudson said:

Yes, I can “knock this off” but stop being a hypocrite and engaging in the same type of behavior. My god, you created this thread after all!

Hypocrisy is saying this after:

On 10/3/2023 at 8:58 PM, Mr Hudson said:


Do you think it would be possible to engage in DVDA with Big Sexy? Of course once they took away two of her four ports, it was no longer even a possibility.


Hypothetically, if all you had to do was satisfy her in this manner, and then all 8bit titles ever made would be converted to 5200, would you do it?

Seriously, you have no high horse to ride on.  That's outright picking on the guy, and fuck you for doing it.


I've called Ray out on things that he's done before.  I've also left him the right the hell alone when he's just being a part of the community.  Don't try to play the angel when you've been as much of a gobshite towards him as anyone could possibly be.

On 10/5/2023 at 3:44 PM, MrTrust said:

You, whom we don't know, come off like you're trying to treat him like a punching bag for your amusement.

And that, right there, is the problem in a nutshell.


BTW: for great lolz:

On 10/5/2023 at 3:56 PM, Mr Hudson said:

Also @MrTrust with all due respect, do not ever tell me what I can and cannot do again. It’s not your place, or my place to tell anyone how they can and cannot act.

In relation to:

On 10/4/2023 at 8:20 AM, Mr Hudson said:

I’m going to say this, and I will say it once, and it is the only response you will hear from me.


There are numerous posts where you have torn into BigHmw, and taken things to the extreme. I’m not going to waste my time going back and quoting all of them because frankly I do not care nor want to waste my time on pointing something out that you will just make an excuse for and try to deflect back to me.


Yes, I can “knock this off” but stop being a hypocrite and engaging in the same type of behavior. My god, you created this thread after all!


I know you probably won’t have the self control to not respond to these comments I have just made, but maybe try surprising me and act like an adult and refrain from doing so. That would speak volumes. 

Have a wonderful day!

Hypocrisy, thy name is @Mr Hudson.

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Maybe we could all just agree to not make fun of or bully anyone here regardless of how easy of a target they might be at times. It was highly disturbing to me that people somehow feel giving someone assistance gives them the right to make fun of that person. It doesn't. If you're not satisfied with how they used your help, don't offer it again. Similarly, being a member for a longer period time shouldn't earn "privilege" to treat people poorly. Conversely, I would think you might better understand the difficulties some people have and prop them up a bit. 


This is an amazing place and I've met some amazing people, including Ray. Let's leave things a little better, people a little happier and high scores a little higher when we're here.

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11 minutes ago, cvga said:

Maybe we could all just agree to not make fun of or bully anyone here regardless of how easy of a target they might be at times.

I am in agreement with you.

11 minutes ago, cvga said:

It was highly disturbing to me that people somehow feel giving someone assistance gives them the right to make fun of that person. It doesn't.

I also agree with you on that front.  Thing is, there's a world of difference between making fun of someone for no good reason and poking at them for established reasons.


One thing that I'd like to point out: if I didn't feel that Ray deserved to not be picked on, I never would have said anything against @Mr Hudson's comments in the first place.  Kindly bear this in mind.

11 minutes ago, cvga said:

If you're not satisfied with how they used your help, don't offer it again.

And I didn't.

11 minutes ago, cvga said:

Similarly, being a member for a longer period time shouldn't earn "privilege" to treat people poorly.

I also agree with this point.  However, regardless of whether someone has been here for 5 minutes or 50 years, I would suggest that you may not know all of the facts behind a given situation when commenting on it.

11 minutes ago, cvga said:

Conversely, I would think you might better understand the difficulties some people have and prop them up a bit. 

See my previous comment.

11 minutes ago, cvga said:

This is an amazing place and I've met some amazing people, including Ray. Let's leave things a little better, people a little happier and high scores a little higher when we're here.

While I'm not in disagreement, please bear in mind that you might not be aware of everything behind what you see.

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10 hours ago, cvga said:

Maybe we could all just agree to not make fun of or bully anyone here regardless of how easy of a target they might be at times. It was highly disturbing to me that people somehow feel giving someone assistance gives them the right to make fun of that person. It doesn't. If you're not satisfied with how they used your help, don't offer it again. Similarly, being a member for a longer period time shouldn't earn "privilege" to treat people poorly. Conversely, I would think you might better understand the difficulties some people have and prop them up a bit. 


This is an amazing place and I've met some amazing people, including Ray. Let's leave things a little better, people a little happier and high scores a little higher when we're here.

@cvga Thank you for bringing some perspective into this. I apologize for the comments directed in regards to Ray as they obviously were not appreciated, and I am not going to try and make excuses for it. I’m owning it.

Hindsight being 20/20, what really irked me and got me into keyboard warrior mode was the entitled behavior that some members exhibit here which there is no reason for. This is not a private club, and for the insinuation to me made that of one does have “x amount of years” here that they the feel justified in engaging in behaviors that they then chastise others for doing the same (Like all the ATM references that were participated in earlier in this thread). Also of note is that the one member who called my posts “reprehensible” apparently liked one of those ATM comments enough to give a positive emoji to the post. 

It is not my place to tell anyone how to think, or act. If some want to believe this is a “private/tenured” club so be it. But the reality is that this simply is not the case. It is not a college fraternity. It is not a Masonic order. Those types of “clubs” do have some entitlement that goes along with tenure/rank. Or the military.
As a matter of fact, as of a month ago this entire “community” is now part of a business, whether you want to accept that or not, is again up to you.

I am moving on from this.

Perhaps some of you can take a page from @cvga on how to agree to disagree with some one. He clearly did not approve of my conduct either, but he earns my respect for addressing it in a mature and tactful manner, and I appreciate him for that. 

Edited by Mr Hudson
Spelling : clarification
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1 hour ago, Mr Hudson said:

This is not a private club, and for the insinuation to me made that of one does have “x amount of years” here that they the feel justified in engaging in behaviors that they then chastise others for doing the same

Congratulations! You've completely missed the point of having been around for a while.


That point is experience.  You lack it, yet behave as though your inexperience entitles you to pick on anyone you may care to, and to subsequently play the victim when asked to knock it off.  In essence, you're doubling down on an indefensible position and doing a great job of letting everyone know what to expect from you in the future as a result.


Hint: regardless of how long you've been here (or not), other people will still call you out when they disagree with you or if you're out of line.  I know this from experience.  Years and posts really don't count for much when you fuck up publically, but when it comes to experience, they do.

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7 hours ago, Mr Hudson said:

Thank you for bringing some perspective into this. I apologize for the comments directed in regards to Ray as they obviously were not appreciated, and I am not going to try and make excuses for it. I’m owning it.


Why did you not just stop here?  Why?


7 hours ago, Mr Hudson said:

Hindsight being 20/20, what really irked me and got me into keyboard warrior mode was the entitled behavior that some members exhibit here which there is no reason for.


You decide to try this bar you've never been in before, you have a beer, and play some Quick Draw.  There's another dude two stools down flirting with the barmaid; some of it is fairly risqué, and she's taking it well and all the regulars are having a big laugh over it.  You think she's cute, too, and you don't see a ring on her finger, so when she comes over to see if you need anything else, you grin say "just for you to come over and sit on my face, toots." The other patrons, including the other guy that was flirting with her, take massive exception to this and you're asked to leave.  Since you don't take the hint initially, they physically throw you out.


"Hey," you yell through the window, "that other guy was saying dirty stuff!  What is this, Bohemian Grove!?  We don't all have to follow the same rules?  This business is open to the public, is it not?  What's with all this entitlement?"


No, dipshit, we don't all follow the same rules.  That guy has been friends with the barmaid for 20 years.  They went to high school together.  He's going to be Best Man at her wedding next weekend.  The other people laughing along are all the in same darts league as those two, and they've been hanging out here with these two for years.  They have the kind of rapport where they're all comfortable with that kind of humor and banter.


You, in this context, are just some random creep of the street, who nobody knows from Adam, and for you to say what you said is completely inappropriate irrespective of what anyone else in the bar might have said.  It doesn't matter if they're all just patrons like you and they haven't been given some imprimatur from the management.  You're not part of the crowd; you don't get to talk/act like you are.  If you do, expect it not to be taken kindly.


Are you this dense in real life where you can't understand basic informal social rules?  I'll bet not.


7 hours ago, Mr Hudson said:

Also of note is that the one member who called my posts “reprehensible” apparently liked one of those ATM comments enough to give a positive emoji to the post. 


Dude, are you 5 old? B-b-b-but what about him.


bent_pin opened with the lawn chair guy meme.  There are a couple of ways this can be interpreted.  One way is "Oh, boy, here we go!  Let's all sit around and laugh at the lolcow!" Another way is "there is a 100% chance that this thread is going to become a huge spectacle/shitshow that ends in a massive flamewar and lock"


If you've been here long enough, and you see that reaction three posts in, you know which one is more likely.  If you've been around long enough to know bent_pin's avi on sight, and have had enough interaction with him to get a feel for the man's general disposition, you know he meant the latter.  If you know the history of ray and x=usr, you know he's not creating this thread to dunk on him for lols, but to corral Ray and all the drama he leaves in his wake.  He's an exasperated nanny.


You, on the other hand, we don't know from Adam.  You come in going "Hahaha!  Awesome!  This is going to be so hilarious!  Hey, Ray, we know you like big, black objects; whaddya think of Big Black Cocks, huh!?  Huh!?"


It's not the same thing, dude, and you may not be able to tell the difference, but we can.  You may think that you're being good-natured and he's being a prick.  That may even be true, but that is not how it is going to be perceived because you have not established any sort of rapport with any of these people involved.  What are you not comprehending about this?


7 hours ago, Mr Hudson said:

As a matter of fact, as of a month ago this entire “community” is now part of a business, whether you want to accept that or not, is again up to you.


Atari might own the domain or the servers.  They don't own the people any more than your family is part of a bowling alley because you hosted your kid's birthday party there.  The crowd was here before Atari showed up, and if Atari don't steward the meeting place properly, they'll move onto someplace else.  Who knows?  Maybe it'll be Ray's BigHMW website everybody migrates to.  Either way, your comments won't be appreciated there, either, regardless of who owns it or what the formal rules are.


Maybe if you stick around for a while, people will soften on you, but if ain't going to happen with that attitude.

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I guess early October is Ray taunting season. It's ironic that we had a very similar thread picking on Ray with the same people exactly one year ago, long before Mr. Hudson joined AtariAge.


There's no real reason to reply. Let's just treat each other better.

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Give Mr Hudson a break. He made some jokes, and he has apologized at least twice if he went too far. What does he have to do to redeem himself? Make a video of himself logging in to AA (to prove his identity), and then proceed to whip himself?

Edited by Lord Mushroom
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5 hours ago, Lord Mushroom said:

Give Mr Hudson a break. He made some jokes, and he has apologized at least twice if he went too far. What does he have to do to redeem himself? Make a video of himself logging in to AA (to prove his identity), and then proceed to whip himself?


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