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Another eye-melting SNES mockup

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19 minutes ago, WavyGravy said:

Authentic conversations are not always positive or in absolute agreement with the person they're had with. Kirk is not interested in ideas, opinions, or even actual facts that contradict him, so saying he's interested in authentic conversation is ridiculous. That's a problem when he wants to talk about technical topics in and of itself, but the bigger problem is that he takes any dissent with what he has to say as a personal attack. Most of us here started out trying to be nice and engaging with him, and now we're here. I think it's pretty hard to argue that he hasn't earned his status as a pariah.

I'm sorry you're having that experience with him - I sure am not.  Since I seem to never get hit by Kirk's troll filter, perhaps I can help you deliver your message in a way he's likely to receive well.


Everyone has access to the same SNES manual, but while some people see limitations, Kirk sees possibilities.  That's what I like, not approaching technical problems by trying to figure out why something can't work, but try to figure out how it can.  That's what the world needs more of.

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I appreciate the offer and I think it's a good-hearted thing you're trying to do, but I don't think Kirk cares to hear anything I have to say, and I think I'd have better luck explaining quantum physics to my brother's dog than getting through to him, and I do not understand quantum physics.


Seeing possibilities is one thing, but the limitations exist. When those limitations and their interactions with his ideas are brought up, he's not exactly gracious or humble about it. Having an idea doesn't excuse it from criticism and the examination of its practicality, and being a "visionary" doesn't excuse someone from being a dick.

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I think some of the regulars on this forum can be overly critical of Kirk (it's got to the point where him just posting anything at all gets heat), but no one can be blamed but Kirk for the reputation he's established here and elsewhere.  You have seriously misread what is going on with this guy and specifically in this sub-forum.  This is not a case of a dozen mean-spirited guys suddenly jumping in and bullying a misunderstood newbie, which is what you seem to be saying.


Coddling Kirk like a little boy with empty praise and gold stars on his forehead, like you are doing, is definitely one way to get him to give you a like.  That's fine on social media, but this is supposed to be a discussion forum, not Kirk's personal blog.

Edited by newtmonkey
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4 hours ago, OldSchoolRetroGamer said:

FIXED IT, and that's OK he won't know anyway.............😝🤷‍♂️😁


This is the only time I’ve been blocked on this forum (I think). The fact that the dude puts that in his signature should tell everyone what they need to know, haha.  I still don’t get the point of anything he’s doing and there is no way he is who he claims to be on his resume based on his skill level and his personality.

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48 minutes ago, newtmonkey said:


I think some of the regulars on this forum can be overly critical of Kirk (it's got to the point where him just posting anything at all gets heat), but no one can be blamed but Kirk for the reputation he's established here and elsewhere.  You have seriously misread what is going on with this guy and specifically in this sub-forum.  This is not a case of a dozen mean-spirited guys suddenly jumping in and bullying a misunderstood newbie, which is what you seem to be saying.

I don't think I have misread the situation.  I came to this forum to talk to him about the SNES.


41 minutes ago, jerseystyle said:

This is the only time I’ve been blocked on this forum (I think). The fact that the dude puts that in his signature should tell everyone what they need to know, haha.  I still don’t get the point of anything he’s doing and there is no way he is who he claims to be on his resume based on his skill level and his personality.

Well, maybe we should verify his employment history!

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12 minutes ago, jeffythedragonslayer said:

I don't think I have misread the situation.  I came to this forum to talk to him about the SNES.

My mistake, then.  You actually misread the entire purpose of the forum, which is to discuss the SNES in general, not just with Kirk.  His blog would have been a better choice for that.

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Since he has a personal interest in having a one-on-one conversation with Kirk here at AtariAge about all of whatever his experiments are supposed to be about, it really belongs most of all in a private message thread. I have several long-running threads that have been going on for years in my inbox. Out here where everyone can see it is supposed to be for public conversations, not private ones between two individuals.

Edited by Atariboy
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13 hours ago, jeffythedragonslayer said:

Everyone has access to the same SNES manual, but while some people see limitations, Kirk sees possibilities.  That's what I like, not approaching technical problems by trying to figure out why something can't work, but try to figure out how it can.  That's what the world needs more of.

That's fine and all, but you do that by being technical. Constantly spouting wishy-washy wet dreams out loud without actually getting one's hands dirty is the opposite of that, nor is it particularly productive. 

8 hours ago, jerseystyle said:

Probably when he develops something. 

To his credit, he, 1) Apparently has worked for a major game development studio... a really, really long time ago; 2) Has done some graphics work in the past (not going to lie, some of the stuff on his website doesn't look all that bad); and, 3) Has developed some ridiculous looking mobile games years back that no one with an ounce of dignity should ever want to play.


Regarding SNES, however? He's done absolutely nothing.

Edited by Austin
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14 minutes ago, Austin said:


To his credit, he, 1) Apparently has worked for a major game development studio... a really, really long time ago; 2) Has done some graphics work in the past (not going to lie, some of the stuff on his website doesn't look all that bad); and, 3) Has developed some ridiculous looking mobile games years back that no one with an ounce of dignity should ever want to play.


IF he actually worked at an actual video game developer in any capacity, no way he did what he claimed to have done. I am sure of this due to his complete lack if programming skills and pre school  method of communication. The only people who can talk/act the way he does in any sort of business are either geniuses whose contributions far out way the harm they cause, or CEOs. He is obviously neither. So I think we can guess what role he played at a studio (if any) …





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"When he develops something."


Suuure, riiight. . . .









What I personally believe we need to keep repeating in the back of our minds here every time one of our masters speak is where are any SNES-related games, demos, tools, developer guides, even fan sites, YouTube videos, or whatever SNES-relevant content created by certain people who have positioned themselves as authorities on everything that is and is not allowed to be considered as valid contributions or even discussed in relation to SNES development in this SNES sub-forum. . . .


Maybe they're too busy spending far too much time scouring the entire Internet trying to build some CSI profile on me and bring everyone who'll listen and follow to their righteous cause. That's certainly contributing something of real worth in here, especially in relation to the SNES and particularly SNES development, and it's clearly far more than anything I've ever contributed.


As per usual, for me personally there's only two things I ultimately care about in here: SNES-related discussions for the fun of celebrating the particular system this sub-forum is specifically dedicated to, and any/all SNES-related development for the purpose of basically keeping it alive and in our hearts and minds (does not mean the only option here is you literally have to be coding directly on SNES with your own bare hands or it's invalid though--I'm not such an elitist gatekeeping **** about it).


And any time any SNES programmer wants to see if we could work on something together, I'm happy to give it a go and discover exactly what we could create. :)


PS. Reminder of my signature, in case there's still some confusion there.

Edited by Kirk_Johnston
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1 minute ago, M-S said:

I think all of these posts could be made in a single thread of SNES tech demos, and I'm sure these showcases would be more appreciated in actual games, doesn't even need to be part of the gameplay, just a cutscene would be enough.

Careful there, man. Using sound logic like that might end you up on his coveted Ignore List™.

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25 minutes ago, Kirk_Johnston said:

"When he develops something."


Suuure, riiight. . . .









What I personally believe we need to keep repeating in the back of our minds here every time one of our masters speak is where are any SNES-related games, demos, tools, developer guides, even fan sites, YouTube videos, or whatever SNES-relevant content created by certain people who have positioned themselves as authorities on everything that is and is not allowed to be considered as valid contributions or even discussed in relation to SNES development in this SNES sub-forum. . . .


Maybe they're too busy spending far too much time scouring the entire Internet trying to build some CSI profile on me and bring everyone who'll listen and follow to their righteous cause. That's certainly contributing something of real worth in here, especially in relation to the SNES and particularly SNES development, and it's clearly far more than anything I've ever contributed.


As per usual, for me personally there's only two things I ultimately care about in here: SNES-related discussions for the fun of celebrating the particular system this sub-forum is specifically dedicated to, and any/all SNES-related development for the purpose of basically keeping it alive and in our hearts and minds (does not mean the only option here is you literally have to be coding directly on SNES with your own bare hands or it's invalid though--I'm not such an elitist gatekeeping **** about it).


And any time any SNES programmer wants to see if we could work on something together, I'm happy to give it a go and discover exactly what we could create. :)


PS. Reminder of my signature, in case there's still some confusion there.

Wait no fair! You quoted me but I’m in the ignore list. Isn’t that crossing the streams or something?

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30 minutes ago, M-S said:

I think all of these posts could be made in a single thread of SNES tech demos, and I'm sure these showcases would be more appreciated in actual games, doesn't even need to be part of the gameplay, just a cutscene would be enough.

I don't think they necessarily have to be lumped into one thread, although it's an option for sure. But, regardless, I think that should be for each user of the forum to decide how they choose to post their topics and such vs other's dictating such things based on their own personal preferences.


And, obviously, the second part is objectively true, so you'll have no argument from me there. But I will just say that it's not the only way I think it can or has be done to be relevant. And I personally appreciate whatever people are authentically contributing to do with SNES here, especially if it's in relation to SNES development in any form.

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22 minutes ago, Lost Monkey said:


What has that got to do with saying I'd be happy to see what me and some SNES programmer could create if we worked on an actual SNES game together?


There is literally zero excessive pride or self confidence in knowing fine well I could make a SNES game if a SNES programmer actually did the coding part. From my perspective at least, that's a total and utter given, since I know how to design games, create all the art, and even know some basic coding (not Assembly mind you), and the actual SNES programmer would obviously know how to do the SNES-specific coding part. The only other bit I would need to get sorted is the music. Well, that and whatever else if we wanted to make a physical cartridge version of the game. And, clearly, I've already made a bunch of released games, so it's not some hypothetical egotistical fantasy that I might be able to do such a thing again but just on SNES this time.


What I didn't say was it would be the greatest SNES game ever made or any such thing.



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Why Kirk thinks people disagree with him: the elitist SNES dev cult is conspiring against him due to his brave new ideas and ways of thinking


Why people actually disagree with him: his attitude towards any criticism regarding the validity of his mockups, his attitude, ect.


26 minutes ago, Kirk_Johnston said:

where are any SNES-related games, demos, tools, developer guides, even fan sites, YouTube videos, or whatever SNES-relevant content created by certain people who have positioned themselves as authorities on everything that is and is not allowed to be considered as valid contributions or even discussed in relation to SNES development in this SNES sub-forum. . . .

Hypocrisy! Aaah!


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14 minutes ago, Kirk_Johnston said:

What has that got to do with saying I'd be happy to see what me and some SNES programmer could create if we work on an actual SNES game together?


There is literally zero excessive pride or self confidence in knowing fine well I could make a SNES game if a SNES programmer did the coding. I didn't say it would be the greatest SNES game ever made or any such thing.

So, a programmer needs you, otherwise, they would just be aimlessly putting out programs that are already possible on the SNES.  With your guidance, they will achieve the impossible.  Exciting stuff!

Edited by Lost Monkey
Just a note to say I can't keep up with Kirk's edits...
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6 minutes ago, Lost Monkey said:

So, a programmer needs you, otherwise, they would just be aimlessly putting out programs that are already possible on the SNES.  With your guidance, they will achieve the impossible.  Exciting stuff!

Are you deliberately interpreting my words with some kind of distortion filter on what I actually and literally said or something? :-o

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33 minutes ago, Kirk_Johnston said:

There is literally zero excessive pride or self confidence in knowing fine well I could make a SNES game if a SNES programmer actually did the coding part.

Then do it. Find a SNES developer that wants to work with you and get it done. If you want people to respect you, then follow through with your goals instead of repeating "I could do it, I could do it, as long as I find someone who will spend the time to analyze the game maker demos I send them and rebuild them on the SNES, someone to write the music, someone to produce the cartridges, etc" Now judging by your expertise (design, art), instead of asking developers to program games for you, why don't you volunteer yourself towards someone else's SNES project as an artist/designer? That's something that would actually be beneficial to the SNES dev scene, and that's the advice you were given on SNES dev before you were banned for suicide bait. A programmer volunteering himself to program a game for an artist is much less likely than an artist volunteering himself to create assets for a programmer.


But instead of doing that, you're waiting around for a programmer to magically approach you and make your game for you. I would say that indicates "excessive pride", your idea that your Game Maker demos are so revolutionary that everyone will want to work with you, despite your reputation. Of course I've inferred that last part, but if it isn't ego it's ignorance.


TLDR; if you want to help the SNES dev community, ACTUALLY help it. Don't wait for it to help you.


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