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Another eye-melting SNES mockup

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10 minutes ago, JurassicDope said:

Sorry about being off topic, but since console wars was brought up, it reminded me of a confusion I've had due to some youtube comments I've seen: "The SNES default controller still has 1 more button than the Genesis' 6-button controller"


Now in all these years, I've always thought they've had the same amount of buttons (let's assume a reasonable definition for "button", not counting diagonal inputs on the dpad, button combinations, or something strange like that😅, though we can delve into that some other day)


So for me, these are SNES buttons:

Left, right, up, down

Left shoulder, right shoulder

A, b, x, y

Start, select


The Genesis 6-button pad:

Left, right, down, up

A, b, c, x, y, z

Mode, start


So simply ignoring the dpad altogether, that is 8 buttons for both controllers. So either I have made an error assuming the SNES has 1 less button and it actually has one I'm not aware of, or the YouTube comments might be unfamiliar with the 6-button pad having a "mode" button where a right shoulder bumper would be. It's the only way to activate nunchaku stance in Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story, dudes!!!

Your list of buttons on the SNES standard controller is complete.

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9 minutes ago, Kirk_Johnston said:

Yeah, I think they sometimes imagine I sit in a little void asking random SNES technical questions in forums for my own joy, and then I just go sit in a corner doing absolutely nothing with that knowledge. And the only way it seems they would consider it being "something" is if it literally exists as some working SNES game or demo right now, like that's all that can ever count in the entire spectrum of SNES development. It's like they don't seem to grasp the idea of learning about all the workings of some console from a game design and art creation perspective without necessarily being a SNES programmer too, which I may or may not get around to at some point.


In an ideal world I'd love to be able to actually code up all these ideas directly on SNES, if I really have no other option than to do it all myself, but, as I have never been shy about admitting, the current SNES development kits are just beyond my understanding right now. I still go back and try to look at the likes of PVSnesLib every once in a while though, because maybe at some point it will just click. And if a more user-friendly SNES development tool ever comes along, something I personally can get to grips with, I'll be on it in a heartbeat. Everyone here has seen how much SNES concept/mockup stuff I'm creating in GameMaker 8.1 and the like, and I'd be doing the same if a "SNESmaker" development tool existed that was similarly intuitive to use. But I think we know that even then they'd still find something to complain and troll about that regardless, while never authentically contributing to any actual SNES development or even genuinely positive discussion about the system themselves.


Some particular people in here claim they have a problem with me not showing off real working SNES games or whatever as my contribution to this SNES-specific sub-forum, like that's the main sticking point, despite all the stuff I actually have contributed in various meaningful ways, including a couple of working SNES demos, yet they can't see the irony of their own words and actions in mirror. I think that's because, like I've said previously, some of them really are in here basically trolling everyone, and some people just can't see it for what it is because it's focussed on my singularly. But, if we think about it, how can they go on and on about what is right for SNES for so long, telling me and in the process us all what is the only correct and acceptable way to do things, which is apparently only coding a game directly and no other option, spreading false narratives about me and my motivations, while literally not showing a single thing to contribute to the SNES discussion other than complaining about me the whole time. :-o


That's why I think it's important to always remember this:


What I personally believe we need to keep repeating in the back of our minds every time one of our masters speak is where are any SNES-related games, demos, tools, developer guides, even fan sites, YouTube videos, or whatever SNES-relevant content created by certain people who have positioned themselves as authorities on everything that is and is not allowed to be considered as valid contributions or even discussed in relation to SNES development in this SNES sub-forum. . . .

Yeah, funny how those calculations on how many tiles the SNES can DMA just got very little attention, as if having the answer to that question isn't useful.

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12 minutes ago, Kirk_Johnston said:

 It's just the SNES has one of the best options regardless that comes basically "free" in the box for all SNES owners.

The 6-button controller came free to quite a few Mega Drive owners. Secondly why does it really matter if it came with the system or not? The SNES didn't come with an arcade stick, does that mean we should hold that against it when compared to the Neo Geo?

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@JurassicDope @Kirk_Johnston

You know I have to give credit, that is a good post, and even a sensible fair response from kirk, thanks (not sarcastic, as I miss those posts.)


The Genesis and SNES while having the same number of buttons is actually correct, owning both and for the amount of games I have used, it's almost still like Genesis largely used 7 buttons for games that went over the standard pad.  While yes that mode button is the 8th button, it never really was intended as much and so it rarely got used for much at all.  At heart it was made more as a toggle for 3/6 button support as some games just didn't like that thing, some utterly won't work like the awesome Trouble Shooter either way just in there.  A few titles did use it as an option button to do something for sure, but it wasn't some widely used thing for that.  The Select button on SNES would be about its equal but most games did use it as a selection toggle even if many just more naturally used the d-pad to cycle, it was part of the TS documentation (technical standards) which needed to pass to get the sales license/go gold to sell, even that allowed a bending of the rule in any case to do more.  Wing Commander for instance used it both for the usual rotation, but it also was used as a massive toggle switch.  You coupled SEL+ a direction or SEL + another button and you got to rotate your view screens, change which guns or missiles were used, targeting other enemies and/or friendlies, etc.  That mode button really never went that far, it was intended more as a work around, but some did opt to use it more than a switch.


Also Kirk I don't hate you, I don't even like borderline trolling some of your content, but how about we BOTH be honest here.  I'm willing to admit my limitations, but you, you don't want to do this, and now you're seemingly using another person or something more gray to get some help acting like this is some blameless witch hunt.  We all, and I mean a figurative we between here, various other dev forums, reddit, discord, know what you've been up to, it's saved, it's viewable publicly, and you're banned out of a lot of spots.  Sorry but it's not some tin foil hat, or in this case, full on tin foil body suit level of craziness here out to get you.


Look I'll be happy to discuss anything again, once you ground your dedication to something that physically work as a playable game, or a no-game but just art piece displayable wonder on actual SNES hardware.  Game maker/photoshop hybrid works just isn't going to cut it, nor will doubling down and moving goal posts to get there.  Deal?

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3 hours ago, Tanooki said:

@JurassicDope @Kirk_Johnston

You know I have to give credit, that is a good post, and even a sensible fair response from kirk, thanks (not sarcastic, as I miss those posts.)


The Genesis and SNES while having the same number of buttons is actually correct, owning both and for the amount of games I have used, it's almost still like Genesis largely used 7 buttons for games that went over the standard pad.  While yes that mode button is the 8th button, it never really was intended as much and so it rarely got used for much at all.  At heart it was made more as a toggle for 3/6 button support as some games just didn't like that thing, some utterly won't work like the awesome Trouble Shooter either way just in there.  A few titles did use it as an option button to do something for sure, but it wasn't some widely used thing for that.  The Select button on SNES would be about its equal but most games did use it as a selection toggle even if many just more naturally used the d-pad to cycle, it was part of the TS documentation (technical standards) which needed to pass to get the sales license/go gold to sell, even that allowed a bending of the rule in any case to do more.  Wing Commander for instance used it both for the usual rotation, but it also was used as a massive toggle switch.  You coupled SEL+ a direction or SEL + another button and you got to rotate your view screens, change which guns or missiles were used, targeting other enemies and/or friendlies, etc.  That mode button really never went that far, it was intended more as a work around, but some did opt to use it more than a switch.


Also Kirk I don't hate you, I don't even like borderline trolling some of your content, but how about we BOTH be honest here.  I'm willing to admit my limitations, but you, you don't want to do this, and now you're seemingly using another person or something more gray to get some help acting like this is some blameless witch hunt.  We all, and I mean a figurative we between here, various other dev forums, reddit, discord, know what you've been up to, it's saved, it's viewable publicly, and you're banned out of a lot of spots.  Sorry but it's not some tin foil hat, or in this case, full on tin foil body suit level of craziness here out to get you.


Look I'll be happy to discuss anything again, once you ground your dedication to something that physically work as a playable game, or a no-game but just art piece displayable wonder on actual SNES hardware.  Game maker/photoshop hybrid works just isn't going to cut it, nor will doubling down and moving goal posts to get there.  Deal?

If you're talking about me, I should let you know that Kirk didn't ask me to defend him.  It's just that I personally like working with him.

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4 hours ago, jeffythedragonslayer said:

If you're talking about me, I should let you know that Kirk didn't ask me to defend him.  It's just that I personally like working with him.

That's good for you, and I hope it lasts as long as possible. But don't discredit others over their feelings towards him, there is a reason he has this reputation.

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1 minute ago, Mittens0407 said:

That's good for you, and I hope it lasts as long as possible. But don't discredit others over their feelings towards him, there is a reason he has this reputation.

Of course, but I'm having a really hard time feeling bad for the people who choose to keep going into his threads and talking to him. Really hard.

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14 hours ago, jeffythedragonslayer said:

Of course, but I'm having a really hard time feeling bad for the people who choose to keep going into his threads and talking to him. Really hard.

In all truthfulness I don't think they're looking for sympathy. I imagine he's a lolcow to a few of the people chatting here at this point. Ever since his "I know everything you know nothing" rant about TurboXray I stopped really taking him seriously. But I have to say that his logic of "you can't criticize me because you haven't contributed to the SNES" is very backwards.


In one of my earlier posts I made a joke post about my "N64 demo" I'd been working on. Imagine If I used the same language Kirk has been using to defend his mock ups. It would be falsely predicated on the ideas that (1 my demo is valid contribution and (2 people who haven't made such "contributions" like myself aren't able to critique my post in any way. He claims that he is being mistreated by "SNES elitists" while also using the same arguments elitists actually use to discredit any criticism.


If you feel bad for Kirk because people choose to go into his threads and talk to him, I'll remind you that this is a forum and people can do what they want. If Kirk wants a place where he can safely post his content and moderate replies himself, he has his blog.

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15 minutes ago, Mittens0407 said:

In all truthfulness I don't think they're looking for sympathy. I imagine he's a lolcow to a few of the people chatting here at this point. Ever since his "I know everything you know nothing" rant about TurboXray I stopped really taking him seriously.

that's a pretty bold statement, could you quote it?

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1 minute ago, jeffythedragonslayer said:

that's a pretty bold statement, could you quote it?

I mean you can read the post I embedded, it's pretty cut and clear.


Also, do I really need to go post all the stuff I've specifically designed, created art for, and programmed entirely myself that pisses on anything like the likes of TurboXray has done in his existence on this planet--because that will just start to get embarrassing for him [and anyone else questioning me who's in the same boat as him]--if that's how we're deciding who's the superior human being with the most wisdom about this and that or whatever other crap?!


Despite all the people basically saying I'm just talk and not the walk regarding the SNES, all I seem to hearing and seeing from those exact same people is a lot of talk and no walk.



If you want some context, TurboXray is an actual homebrew developer who had been correcting Kirk's posts. I suppose "I know everything you know nothing" was a bit inaccurate, I should've titled it "I piss on everything you've ever made in your life". ;-)


And that last part about the "talk and no walk" is incredibly hypocritical coming from Kirk, who has yet to program anything on the SNES, unlike TurboXray.

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6 minutes ago, Mittens0407 said:

I mean you can read the post I embedded, it's pretty cut and clear.



If you want some context, TurboXray is an actual homebrew developer who had been correcting Kirk's posts. I suppose "I know everything you know nothing" was a bit inaccurate, I should've titled it "I piss on everything you've ever made in your life". ;-)


I was asking you to quote it because I didn't like the hyperbole, not because I didn't read the post.  Thanks.  I was about to block you for Kirk-libel, but now I don't think I will.

Edited by jeffythedragonslayer
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15 hours ago, jeffythedragonslayer said:

Of course, but I'm having a really hard time feeling bad for the people who choose to keep going into his threads and talking to him. Really hard.

You shouldn't feel bad for them for coming into his threads to these days correct the nonsense.  But if anything if you should feel bad for us, there's a valid reason.  He took over the posts that were active here, then started creating his own, daily, once something else wore out posting all this non-workable game maker funk.  It killed conversion here other than having the focus entirely on him and his posts, his backing up his claims that can't largely be backed, and then getting salty over it then finally the block list.  If there's a reason to pity us, it's for a singular person killing the vibe of this entire section taking it over with delusions of grandeur.

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I will post this once again, because I think it truly is key here:

What I personally believe we need to keep repeating in the back of our minds every time one of our masters speaks is where are any SNES-related games, demos, tools, developer guides, even fan sites, YouTube videos, or whatever SNES-relevant content [that's actually posted in here] created by certain people who have positioned themselves as authorities on everything that is and is not allowed to be considered as valid contributions or even discussed in relation to SNES development in this SNES sub-forum. . . .


Pay attention to the exact wording, and actively apply it each and every time they speak. Or just let it sit there right in the back of your mind and do its own thing.


Also, again, as per my signature that's clearly visible on every single post I make, there are literally built-in tools that let anyone and everyone in here who genuinely wants to do so simply select the ignore and ignore option for both my comments and my threads. So anyone who apparently does not want to see my content yet actively keeps clicking into it and even commenting and contributing to it, while repeatedly complaining and saying how much the just hate it or whatever, is making that free choice for themselves. I have no authority or control over any person in here, and I am not forcing anyone to see, read, or participate in any of my threads.


It seems to me that rather than use the tools specifically created to allow each of us to individually tailor our experience in this forum to our personal preference--it's as simple as literally choosing the option to ignore and ignore any content and/or forum members you don't want to see for example--some people in here would apparently rather try to bully and force others that aren't quite like them to think, talk, and act just like them and not have to actually take any responsibility for their own happiness in here while also trying to lay the blame for their claimed unhappiness on someone else.

Edited by Kirk_Johnston
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All I want to say is that the Atari Age community has been pretty welcoming to me and has shown great enthusiasm and love for these retro consoles 😎


Though I'd also like to especially thank users such as @TrekkiesUnite118 @jeffythedragonslayer and @turboxray for their knowledge and contributions to the homebrew community. I've seen them posting around many different places writing wikis, submitting tools and utilities, and discovering breakthrough techniques for these systems 💪🔥


Also @turboxray if you ever need a pixel artist for PCE stuff, you could always reach out to me after my team wraps up Irena Genesis, haha. I specialize in MD but I'm sure I can handle 28 more palettes that I'm used to 🤣

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25 minutes ago, JurassicDope said:

All I want to say is that the Atari Age community has been pretty welcoming to me and has shown great enthusiasm and love for these retro consoles 😎


Though I'd also like to especially thank users such as @TrekkiesUnite118 @jeffythedragonslayer and @turboxray for their knowledge and contributions to the homebrew community. I've seen them posting around many different places writing wikis, submitting tools and utilities, and discovering breakthrough techniques for these systems 💪🔥


Also @turboxray if you ever need a pixel artist for PCE stuff, you could always reach out to me after my team wraps up Irena Genesis, haha. I specialize in MD but I'm sure I can handle 28 more palettes that I'm used to 🤣

Well, I'll say that I've certainly seen jeffythedragonslayer contributing a whole lot of great SNES-related content in this SNES sub-forum, and continues to do so. So I'm more than happy to thank him for that.


Thank you, jeffythedragonslayer. :)


Edit: And, to be clear, there's many other people contributing great SNES-related content in this SNES sub-forum too, but you didn't mention them, so I didn't specifically thank all of them by name. Thanks to all those people too though. :)

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47 minutes ago, Kirk_Johnston said:

I will post this once again, because I think it truly is key here:

What I personally believe we need to keep repeating in the back of our minds every time one of our masters speaks is where are any SNES-related games, demos, tools, developer guides, even fan sites, YouTube videos, or whatever SNES-relevant content [that's actually posted in here] created by certain people who have positioned themselves as authorities on everything that is and is not allowed to be considered as valid contributions or even discussed in relation to SNES development in this SNES sub-forum. . . .


Pay attention to the exact wording, and actively apply it each and every time they speak. Or just let it sit there right in the back of your mind and do its own thing.


Also, again, as per my signature that's clearly visible on every single post I make, there are literally built-in tools that let anyone and everyone in here who genuinely wants to do so simply select the ignore and ignore option for both my comments and my threads. So anyone who apparently does not want to see my content yet actively keeps clicking into it and even commenting and contributing to it, while repeatedly complaining and saying how much the just hate it or whatever, is making that free choice for themselves. I have no authority or control over any person in here, and I am not forcing anyone to see, read, or participate in any of my threads.


It seems to me that rather than use the tools specifically created to allow each of us to individually tailor our experience in this forum to our personal preference--it's as simple as literally choosing the option to ignore and ignore any content and/or forum members you don't want to see for example--some people in here would apparently rather try to bully and force others that aren't quite like them to be just like them and not have to actually take any responsibility for their own happiness in here while also trying to lay the blame for their claimed unhappiness on someone else.

Yes, Yes, BLAH BLAH BLAH......we've all read it a dozen times over. Congrats on proving everyone else right over and over. Post it a dozen more times as a reminder if you must but it holds no weight here 🤷‍♂️ Being allowed to simply say what you like while dismissing everyone who does not agree with you is not how it works on public forums, opinion will be given, and whether you choose to respond or not is your choice but nobody else is required to enable you or accept your "rules". Again as has been told to you already, if you want to post freely without any discussion or being held to task stick to your BLOG.


Odd, you seem to feel a need to keep reposting this over and over as if reacting constantly to those whom you have on "ignore" and whose posts and comments you should not be seeing anyway, very telling......obviously makes your point and advice moot since you clearly are not taking your own advice. 😉



A better idea Kirk.......

Stop It Mark Duplass GIF by Tully Movie

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18 minutes ago, OldSchoolRetroGamer said:

Yes, Yes, BLAH BLAH BLAH......we've all read it a dozen times over. Congrats on proving everyone else right over and over. Post it a dozen more times as a reminder if you must but it holds no weight here 🤷‍♂️ Being allowed to simply say what you like while dismissing everyone who does not agree with you is not how it works on public forums, opinion will be given, and whether you choose to respond or not is your choice but nobody else is required to enable you or accept your "rules". Again as has been told to you already, if you want to post freely without any discussion or being held to task stick to your BLOG.


Odd, you seem to feel a need to keep reposting this over and over as if reacting constantly to those whom you have on "ignore" and whose posts and comments you should not be seeing anyway, very telling......obviously makes your point and advice moot since you clearly are not taking your own advice. 😉



A better idea Kirk.......

Stop It Mark Duplass GIF by Tully Movie

Seems like good advice. I quoted it so Kirk can see it. Maybe I can get on his enemies list, too? 

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By the way, I didn't bother making a mockup of this, but I was thinking earlier today how it would actually be pretty plausible to combine something like you can see in this Mode 0 2bpp mockup:


With the 8bpp images seen in this mockup:


You can basically just imagine only the 2bpp foreground layer in the second example still being there and taking up the top third and bottom third of the screen, with some smaller 8bpp images on a wall in the background layer, and part of that background layer also using a bunch of 2bpp tiles in between and around the images too.


And, because more than two thirds of the entire screen would be using 2bpp tiles--I'm thinking you could be running in Mode 0 at the top, switch to Mode 4 in the middle, and then switch to Mode 0 again at the bottom--I think this would fit within VRAM with not too much hassle, while allowing use of some lovely 8bpp images in that background layer plus some nice parallax and a foreground layer that imo really doesn't come across as being 2bpp to a casual eye. And you could even still have the lighting effect and shadows in an example like this too.


Now, could almost the same thing be done in various other ways--yes. Does that represent using the SNES' 8bpp visuals during actual gameplay, no. And, in case it's not patently obvious here, I'm just trying to think of some ways to use the SNES 8bpp visuals beyond the typical title screen.


So, going with that general idea and really polishing it, I think a very nice level could be done with that, which is just another thing for someone so inclined to think about in terms of using the SNES' 8bpp visuals in an actual gameplay level in one way or another. :)

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49 minutes ago, Flojomojo said:

Seems like good advice. I quoted it so Kirk can see it. Maybe I can get on his enemies list, too? 

Some more genuinely worthwhile contributions to the SNES sub-forum from both you guys. Not just stuff about me over and over and over at all. How can I "get over myself" if you won't stop making the SNES sub-forum revolve around me by your very contributions. Just post your own SNES-related stuff and get on with your lives.


And, use your noodle, oldschool, I'm seeing some of your comments quoted, hence I'm seeing some stuff from people I've set to ignore, obviously. That's what I'm responding to once in a while, but I'm going to stop wasting time even on that.


I would genuinely love to not see anything at all that you guys I've blocked ever post again in the history of the universe, but I didn't design these forums. All I can do is use the options provided as best as they work.


But, literally other than wasting time responding to stuff like this now and then, I'm actually posting authentic SNES content in this SNES sub-forum. Lots of it, sure, but so what. And I think there's some pretty fair options for you there if you don't like it. You choose for yourself you how to use this forum, not me.


Yeah, Flojomojo, you can go right on there if your goal is just to be another tool. :)

Edited by Kirk_Johnston
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What a joke.........I was planning to simply reply as seen here in messages, in private, but of course, I was unable to, since  @jeffythedragonslayer thought they could message me THIS and then block me from replying directly. Very Kirk-est of them 🙄 OK then, another person who thinks they must be listened to and obeyed yet not have to deal with a reply, instead I will respond to it HERE, show who you are behind the scenes, I've nothing to hide and then from this point on you WILL be ignored as you wish, IF THIS GETS ME KICKED FROM THE THREAD SO BE IT, I ONLY SAY WHAT I BELEIVE AND AM WILLING TO ACCEPT CONSEQUENCE UNLIKE KIRK OR YOU, but I am not going to let you drop something and then run away...........






Got THIS notification, now seemingly removed. 🙄

Why did you delete it? Did you realize that just maybe Kirk has realized he might be the problem? No, likely not, you seem to be trying to justify and cover for him pretty hard. However, IF YOU OR KIRK honestly think anyone's comments are untrue and are just in fact uncalled for bullying or trolling, FEEL FREE TO REPORT SUCH COMMENTS TO MODERATORS / ADMINS. 😉In the meantime, Kirk can just deal with the realities of not living in a bubble.



Edited by OldSchoolRetroGamer
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2 hours ago, Kirk_Johnston said:

Well, I'll say that I've certainly seen jeffythedragonslayer contributing a whole lot of great SNES-related content in this SNES sub-forum, and continues to do so. So I'm more than happy to thank him for that.


Thank you, jeffythedragonslayer. :)


Edit: And, to be clear, there's many other people contributing great SNES-related content in this SNES sub-forum too, but you didn't mention them, so I didn't specifically thank all of them by name. Thanks to all those people too though. :)

You are all very welcome. 🙏 

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Kirk we don't make this forum about you, YOU DO.   Your incessant tired reruns of fantasies, harassing people, trolling through comments and use of your banned users list on your sig, which includes banning a MODERATOR (Punisher) who got fed up with you too.  The very fact you're gaslighting and mocking members here violates one of the few solidly written up rules here, so why do you need to even further exist?


You take over existing posts threadcrapping proven nonsense in it while largely more so doubling down on the insanity with your new god awful posts most of the time.  This was a quality section here people discussing the games, gaming ideas, the hardware, and more before you got banned from your last pile of train wreckage in your path.  If you don't want it to be about YOU, excuse yourself because the issue always seems to boil back to being about making it about you and your crack pot fantasies of the hardware while gaslighting banning silencing those who won't agree.  Just stop.


At this rate, what can we do?  Report him.  If you hit report, it'll bounce off every staffers box, anytime he gaslights, lies, makes a thread about him, report it over and over again until something is done about it like other places he has been kicked out of as enough is ENOUGH.


Let's be frank here, perhaps the staff(admin) needs to check the IP logs, as I'm thinking Kirk has at least 2 accounts here, minimum, given the patterns that have been developing for some time now and growing.  That or like a mighty digital Jim Jones, finally he got a few into his compound to chug the Kool-Aid.

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