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Info about CHATARI-0.8-IRC-Client


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Lately I've been using this irc client for atari 8bit machines with a Fujinetcard.

I've discovered it allows connect to several channels, but I dont know how to change from one channel to another one in case I want to talk on one channel or another.

Also, is there any document explaining the several options or features that the irc client offers?  any key for special options?



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/JOIN ##Atari

/JOIN #Atari8


you will receive from both channels but #Atari8 is default send to channel


just /JOIN ##Atari again and that will be your default send channel


/JOIN makes the switch if you are already joined, if you are not it will join that channel


ChAtari loses a bit of information and does not send all you type, try to limit your outgoing msg in 2 line chunks (80 characters)

ChAtari does not deal with incoming buffer glitches from the fujinet, and does not know if it should choose record mode or byte mode for incoming text streams.


There is another rendition of the chat that deals with it slightly better. But it's slower. Parses better and displays more in readable form

Edited by _The Doctor__
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