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ATASCII Compo 3rd Edition 2023


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Hi folks,
for the third time Logiker decided to organize Atascii Online Competition. This contest is targeted towards people that are creating ascii art but in form of Atari 8 Bit characters known as Atascii.
Last two editions gathered many talented artists, all of the contributions can be seen here and here
This year we decided to prepare special prizes for three winners- money, two games and a retrobit PC pad (see images attached).
Works can be prepared in numerous editors, but we can advice to use ARTur or Playscii.
Submission of the entries starts on 1st October and ends on 19th October.
For more information please head to the official website:
Let the fun begin!




hard spell.png


first atascii shot.png

hmd1988 (Altirra).png

Edited by gorgh
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On 9/14/2023 at 1:40 AM, ivop said:

What would be the preferred size? Standard Atari 40x24, or 40x25 as you show on the usage page? (https://logiker.com/Atari-Playscii)

I've prepared a patch for Playscii exporter to produce 40x28 XEX format and I will prepare also 40x24 version. I suppose Logiker should update the rules in the following days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I wrote lately, the new version of the XEX exporter for Playscii editor will be published soon.


The exporter will recognise 3 sizes: 40x24 characters (the "native" Atari mode), 40x25 characters (quite common for 8-bit computers) and 40x28 characters (28 lines is the maximum height that is visible in both PAL and NTSC systems) and will produce an adequate XEX file.


Speaking of 40x28, here's the winning ATASCII entry from the last Silly Venture Summer Edition created in Playscii :) 


"Iced Earth" by Odyn1ec:



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Logiker updated the exporter yesterday: https://logiker.itch.io/atascii-exporter


The contest's rules were also updated: https://logiker.com/ATASCII-Rules
"Resolution in characters: width 40, height 24-28 (Atari standard height is 24, Playscii standard is 25, 28 would still be visible well on Atari PAL and NTSC versions)"
The deadline is October 19th, 18:00 CEST. Good luck in the competition! :)
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