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Laser Blast patches...


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I'd say so. Even if you sold them for 50 cents you doubled your money.

Usually the patches go for much more on Ebay though!! I'd plan for an early retirement.




Probably depends on how many are out there. Some of the more popular games seem to fetch more money.


In Laser Blasts case I'd say it's worth at least a quarter...Maybe 30 cent. :P

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I think most of the points requirements for patches are easier on AA:


Beamrider: 40K pts(VCS) vs 2500 pts(AA)

Crackpots: 75K vs 17,500 pts

Kaboom: 3K vs 200 pts


are but a few. From a recent Tips & Tricks magazine: "The patches...are very scarce today. A common patch...is worth $10-15, while uncommon...fetch as much as $150 from a collector!...put them in a safe place."


Back then I sent in for the Sub Club (Seaquest) patch & they sent back the (then unknown by me) 1,000,000 laser Blast patch! I thought it was just a generic one & it wasnt what I wanted so I didnt keep it. I dont know where it is now! :(

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Hi, can anyone tell me how much the Activision patches for Laser Blast are worth ? I was going through a box o' crap at a yard sale a few days ago and found both of them in really nice shape for a quarter each. Did i do good ?


the laser blast patch is VERY common should get around 10-15$ for it. the "million" patch is not all that common it would go for 25-50$

so i would say you did VERY good!


Take care,



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Yesss! I made a couple bucks! :D Thanks for the help... 'Nother question though, what is the rarest patch(es) out there ? My little find kind of got me interested in these things.


for the 2600:


space shuttle commander

space shuttle pilot

super sleuth


IMHO these are the ones i have not seen many times while looking on ebay and sites....


Good luck finding more!



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